So I had a loop ileostomy and j pouch created on the 27th of Jan, a few days after this I started having anal discharge, as of now exactly 3 weeks on it is semi controllable but I feel like I have to clench nearly constantly or it isn't and it leaks at night. Only twice has it really been bloody the rest it is either clear or sort of yellowy and thicker? My issue here is I'm also getting the feeling of pressure like a bm and every time I go a small amount of this discharge comes out, this isn't a once or twice a day thing more like 5-8 and it seems to wake me up 2-3 times at least every night since coming home from the surgery. So is this normal? I had no issues with my end ileostomy and I know the loop is meant to be more difficult but haven't seen anyone mention about getting rid of mucous discharge this frequently. I'm wondering if it could be pus and maybe I have an infection or leak in the j pouch but I don't have a fever or anything. At this stage I have no idea if it could be pouchitis or cufitis, a stricture?? Or maybe I'm overreacting and having phantom bm type issues? I really have no clue, on a side note I'm much better sat down and notice things a lot more when standing up/walking. I will be contacting my gastro doctor soon but wanted to see if anyone could shed some light on my issue before this.