Hi Everyone!
I'm having a hard time trying to find a healthy alternative to the usual steamed veggies and so on at dinner, and also healthy snacks. My system is very picky and easily aggravated. After 15+ years I just know better with a lot of things and avoid it all together, why tempt fate. We eat very clean and healthy (to a point. I'm not a fanatic, I just eat well and stay very active to stay in shape and healthy) I'm trying to turn the corner away from all the usual items like pasta, rice, potato, so on so on I've only been able to eat.
It becomes difficult when I can't exactly throw some steamed veggies, corn, salad, so on as a side at dinner. The only other options are always pasta, rice, potato. I tried to do brown rice but it's too grainy for my system. Snacks too, I can't munch on raw carrots, popcorn, most fruits. Apples and pears are my nemesis! Sweet potato is OK but it has to be baked very very soft, and how many can you really eat before you never want to see another one again?
Any dieters or healthy eaters out there find things to substitute, or tips to make the usual easier to make the voyage out?
Thanks in advance!
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