I'm having a huge surgery this Tuesday, the 21st, to remove the J-Pouch, revise my ileostomy (Stanley Stoma), and.. sew my butt closed

I'm very nervous thinking about this being a huge open surgery on my belly and then also the stoma. Since they are also operating on my butt, it just reminds me of the original surgery and how horribly painful it was. My curved spine doesn't allow for an epidural so..

Has anyone else here been the recipient of a "Barbie-butt"? (My new surgeon laughs when I call it that, lol)
I'm having colitis-like symptoms and pouchitis all the time, along with horrible back pain from an injured nerve (surgery error & straining with the J-pouch) so it has to be done.
I knew this ileostomy was going to be permanent but it's very depressing to think about just HOW permanent this makes it. Plus I'm freaking out that it will make my butt look weird. Isn't it funny how we worry about the little, unimportant things when something big is happening?
To keep my mind off the upcoming surgery, I started cooking. I've turned into a baker! I make breads and bagels all the time and I'm trying to make my fiancé fat, thanks to my Italian blood. (We got engaged! Same sweet, caring guy..

I'm planning on making fresh bagels to bring with me on Tuesday, for the hospital staff. But this may not happen.. I don't do well with numbers when I'm freaking out and I don't wanna poison anyone.
I've been so curious about:"how do they deal with a stoma during surgery!?!??"
Does anyone know?? I know it isn't good for my wee brain to research surgical stuff TOO much but I am so curious.
One good thing about the upcoming surgery: Whenever I wanted ANYTHING this past month, I could say, "but honey, they are gonna sew my butt closed!" If I was smart, I'd have a pet monkey now!
I've been doing well, we moved to South Carolina, we have 5 lovely dogs and a pot bellied pig named "Moo" now, along with the rest of the zoo! I take long walks with the dogs (when able) and when I recover enough, I'm hoping to get a horse.
I hate living here, no one likes us "Yankees" but.. That's okay, I have lots of fresh eggs to throw at them!

Again, I hope you are all doing well. Sorry I haven't been around but I'd been doing so well... It's like we always used to say here, lots of us only hanging out when we are having an issue. I'll try to stay and help as I SO appreciate all the help I've received in the past.
If anyone has some sewn butt stories or info I'd love to hear them!
- Sarah