A number of people with pouchitis, cuffitis, Crohn's of the pouch, etc. that do not respond to antibiotics or traditional IBD meds have been prescribed Remicade or Humira. Simponi is in the same class (anti-TNF biologic, fully humanized). What sets it apart is that it is being approved for UC before Crohn's. Usually, it is the other way around, and often many years or a decade or more before testing and approval for UC occurs. With Simponi, it was first approved for rheumatoid arthritis, then spondylitis, and soon UC.
I was prescribed Simponi for my arthritis, but it seems to have benefits for my pouch and cuff too! Another benefit (for me anyway) is that it is a monthly self injection. I had to use Humira weekly for the same benefit. Remicade is IV infusion only, so requires an office visit (taking a lot of your and your provider's time). Plus, Remicade is based on mouse protein, so more likely to cause allergic reaction. The monthly cost for the drug is about the same for all three.
Remicade is already approved for UC and Humira will be soon too, but currently only Crohn's.
Still, this study was about Remicade only, but I would expect similar results from others in the same class.