I had my j pouch about 15 years ago and no
problems until 2 years ago when i got pouchitus 2 times. Never felt the same but kept on going. About 3 months ago i started loosing control over bowel movements. I would stand up and while i was going to restroom i would just go and could not stop it. My GI doctor recommended me to cleveland clinic and it has really helped. He found out that the pouch for what ever reason has become very sensitive and will have uncontrollable spasms and pain and that was causeing the not being able to hold it. He put me on opium/bellodonna and it really helped but the side effects are i cant drive or work. I have tried to go off but spasms come back. He said i could be on medicine infefinitly. That means if i dont take it i cant work because i have no control and if i take medicine i cant drive or work. I have been on short term for the last 8 weeks. All 3 doctors have recommended i go on long term permenent disability. I put in extra with my check for long term so i quilify for it. All 3 doctors have sent letters to short term saying that under the circumstances i can not work anymore recommending permenent disability. I am so scared that it will be denied even though it will be from my work and then i was told that i would keep appling for social security disability while i am on disability from work. If they deny me i will be sunk we can not work with out my income or a portion of my income. Everyone keeps telling me i will not get denied since all 3 doctors have sent letters and all my records. If i was trying for SS disability i was told they would deny me and it could take years but thank god i have been putting in for it through my work. I run out of short term i think 8-14. The not knowing is so stressfull and makes my condition worse. Has anyone had anything like this and what was the outcome.
Thanks for listening to me.
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