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I live near a medium-sized town with a population of 100K. It has a thriving regional hospital system that would like to compete with the bigger clinics but that will take 10+ years. Last October, I had an emergent subtotal colectomy with end ileo. Next step is either a proctectomy with permanent ileo or a j-pouch. Since I have to have another major operation either way, my feeling is why not go for the j-pouch? The question is, where to have the procedure performed--here or at the Cleveland Clinic?

I met recently with my gastroenterologist. I told him I was considering Cleveland Clinic for the j-pouch, and that I wanted to ensure I'd have follow-up care here locally. He pushed his chair back and said a patient who goes around him is a patient he would no longer follow!

I was in disbelief and said the local team is critical. He agreed and said I should trust both he and the local surgeon. I told him I’ve got one shot at this and to see it from my perspective—wouldn’t you rather have a surgeon who performs this complex surgery on a regular basis versus a local surgeon who may do it occasionally? In the end, he said to make an appointment with my local surgeon and if he recommended that I go to CC for a second opinion then he would agree and continue to follow me. (sigh)

So I made an appointment with my surgeon. He has less of an ego and suggested I go to Cleveland to hear them out so I could put my mind at ease.

I’ve now got a consultative appointment with a CC surgeon next month. I almost feel guilty even though I know that’s ridiculous. But what happens after the surgery and I have complications—obstructions, pouchitis, etc. I don’t want to feel that I have to go to another regional center or even back to Cleveland to get medical help (it's a 7-hour drive).

Should I just keep the local docs informed about my surgery, make sure CC sends them my records and don't worry about it? Anyone been through something like this?

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I no longer see my GI and am looking for a new one soon.  I went to my surgeon for a second opinion while being treated by my GI for moderate to severe pancolitis.  I chose to get my surgeon through our own research and my GI was aware of our visit with him.  My surgeon took me on to monitor my situation.  When I started having issues 3 mos. later and had a follow up colonoscopy with likely dysplasia, I had a follow up with my surgeon.  My GI had put me on hydrocortisone enemas and I was also on Remicade.  We made the decision for surgery at this time.  My surgeon notified my GI about the upcoming surgery.  I had also called the office to cancel my next Remicade infusion and informed them about my surgery.  My GI put a note in my records that he would no longer follow me after this.  I will most likely get a new GI who is affiliated with my surgeon.  To be honest, I was not really happy with the way my GI handled my situation from the start so for me it is no great loss.  I am also lucky that I live 45 mins. from my surgeon.  The GI I am looking into is also located in the same area and seems to have the experience with j-pouches that I am looking for.  

I should add that I was in decent health when I had my surgery at 61.  I did not want to play around with different treatments for a few years and in the end probably end up with surgery anyway.  I also wanted to be able to plan it and not have to have it done on an emergency basis, like my sister who had an s-pouch about 28 years ago.   My own feeling is that we have to be in control of our medical treatment and if a doctor feels slighted when you go for a second opinion, then shame on them.  

My local surgeon made a good j-pouch but he did so in an open surgery. I wish I had the surgery at Mayo or CC as they do it laproscopically. This is a big difference as with each surgery scarring/adhesions happen and less invasive lapro surgery is usually better.

IMO your local GI needs to worry about his patient and forget about his ego. 

Te Marie, from your profile it sounds like you had a miserable j-pouch experience. Hope you're feeling better now after going through all that. I hope CC can do a laparoscopic j-pouch for me since my emergent subtotal was open. I'm 62 next month and realize I'm on the upper end of the age bracket (according to some) but I'm fairly active and like CTB23, I think I've got a good chance at this. Thanks for yours and everyone else's insight about this!


Thank you I feel much better without it. I had my j-pouch removed at the Mayo Clinic.  BTW the removal surgery has to be done "open".  I believe that only 4% of pouches fail so my experience is far from typical.  I should have had it removed at least 18 months before I did.

I am 61 and the removal was a year ago.  I was 54 when I had my colon removed and j-pouch created.  Therefore I don't think 62 is too old  I say go for it. 

Good Luck I look forward to hearing about your surgery.

I live in a town a bit smaller than yours and chose to have my surgery done in the big city as that is where the experience is for this complex surgery, in my opinion. I had the surgery 16 years ago and have only needed follow up care in the city a limited amount of times.  I don't see anyone locally for my jpouch; I don't need to as I am healthy and active and have no issues.  This is your body and your choice. Have your surgery performed where you think it's in your best interest.  

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