I live near a medium-sized town with a population of 100K. It has a thriving regional hospital system that would like to compete with the bigger clinics but that will take 10+ years. Last October, I had an emergent subtotal colectomy with end ileo. Next step is either a proctectomy with permanent ileo or a j-pouch. Since I have to have another major operation either way, my feeling is why not go for the j-pouch? The question is, where to have the procedure performed--here or at the Cleveland Clinic?
I met recently with my gastroenterologist. I told him I was considering Cleveland Clinic for the j-pouch, and that I wanted to ensure I'd have follow-up care here locally. He pushed his chair back and said a patient who goes around him is a patient he would no longer follow!
I was in disbelief and said the local team is critical. He agreed and said I should trust both he and the local surgeon. I told him I’ve got one shot at this and to see it from my perspective—wouldn’t you rather have a surgeon who performs this complex surgery on a regular basis versus a local surgeon who may do it occasionally? In the end, he said to make an appointment with my local surgeon and if he recommended that I go to CC for a second opinion then he would agree and continue to follow me. (sigh)
So I made an appointment with my surgeon. He has less of an ego and suggested I go to Cleveland to hear them out so I could put my mind at ease.
I’ve now got a consultative appointment with a CC surgeon next month. I almost feel guilty even though I know that’s ridiculous. But what happens after the surgery and I have complications—obstructions, pouchitis, etc. I don’t want to feel that I have to go to another regional center or even back to Cleveland to get medical help (it's a 7-hour drive).
Should I just keep the local docs informed about my surgery, make sure CC sends them my records and don't worry about it? Anyone been through something like this?