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It can be a bit daunting to eat with an ileostomy, but you really do have a lot of foods to choose from, even if you are being careful of blockages. The trick is to add new foods slowly, perhaps a new food every couple of days. But, here are some things you can consider eating (btw I ate all of these things with the ileostomy):

Chicken breast, canned tuna, avocado, mashed potatoes, rice, bananas, toast, oatmeal, cheese, pasta (I ate a lot of kraft dinner!), applesauce, scrambled eggs, yogurt (greek yogurt is awesome!), soups... the list goes on.

If you are really having trouble, you can ask the your doctor for a low residue diet list, or simply google one. It will give you some additional ideas.
for some reason any animal products mess me up so chicken tuna cheese eggs and yogurt are out. anything with sugar makes my j-pouch go nuts with frustrating activity so bananas and apple sauce are out. soup fly's through me. i swear im just as bad off as before the surgeries. if i stick with peanut butter sandwiches and baby food oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk im great....
I was dealing with the same thing with my temp ileo. I
was living on bread, pasta and bananas because
everything was so loose. I was emptying my bag 10-12
times a day. They even started me in on Metamucil to try
and slow me down. The temp ileo was a nightmare.

Now after takedown everything has firmed up since the
first couple of days following surgery. I haven't needed
Metamucil or immodium. I hope your results after
takedown are similar to mine.
Whole Foods Market has a good selection of organic and natural peanut butters. They also have a station at which you can make your own peanut and almond butters. If you are going to eat peanut butter a lot you might as well do it right and eat the good stuff.

I think it will likely be a temporary situation but you might as well enjoy the peanut butter high life.
Well, that is the nature of a loop ileo. The output will typically be very watery. I had both an end and a loop and I HATED the loop. The output was virtually always watery. I was emptying my bag 10-12 times a day; with the end ileo it was 4-5 and the output was much thicker, not unlike what I typically get with the pouch now. That said, you shouldn't be so limited with food options. Have you tried imodium? I didn't necessarily always like taking it with the ileo because it make me bloated (strangely not so with the pouch), but since you're already this uncomfortable, you could try a half dose or even a half tablet in the morning and see if that helps. And I stick by what I said about oatmeal and rice. Plain oatmeal (100% natural oats, not the instant crap) and brown or white whole grain rice can help bulk you up. Once you are "bulked," so to speak, you can eat some other foods too.
When I had the temporary ileo I got a blockage from raw carrots but all the foods mentioned by Spooky were fine and they bulked me as well.

I also ate a lot of Cream of Wheat. But peanut butter and bananas and banana baby food were big staples of my temp. ileo diet.

Trader Joe's has freeze dried bananas which are really, really good. They also have freeze dried mangos, and regular dried bananas, mangos and other fruits. Very good selection of dried fruits at that store.
i use the quick oats in the big cardboard cylinder with zero sugar and they are mushier and softer than any long cooking oats ive tried. the gerber babyfood oats give me no gas at all but the quick oats are much more satisfying. ill try to add the quick oats in and see. good protein and fat in there...
Have you tried Marshmellows? I know, loaded with sugar but my ostomy nurse sweared by them so I tried them and they helped. I also swear by a protein powder called PlantFusion. It's made with all plants, and if you are allergic to anything you can use it. One serving is 43% of the daily requirement of protein. I've made protein shakes with it using our homemade peanut butter and a banana. You would want to drop the banana. It also contains other ingredients that help the healing process. There are other protein powders as well. Whatever works. If you want to look up PlantFusion on-line you can find out where it is sold around you by entering your zip code. You can purchase on-line through amazon.

After take down I read of a post in here from a UPS driver and he swears by rice krispie bars and I go through boxes of them. They are basically marshmellows and rice krispies.
Chasing Time - I'm a little over 12 weeks with my temp ileo, and I agree, the watery stools are a beast. I can just confirm what others are saying about being diligent with foods that work for you. For me that pretty much means 100% oatmeal like Husky said, greek yogurt with flax meal mixed in, apple sauce, avocado, black beans (especially refried) with cheese melted in, brown rice, and gluten-free toast with peanut butter or almond butter. It also seems like most people who had trouble with the temp ileo even out once the take-down happens. I know I'm banking on this. I was so surprised to go from a very well-behaved ileo, and an ill-behaved temp-ileo. I'm pulling for you! And, yes, I agree so many people here have a great sense of humor and are "real". When you're going through stuff like this it really helps to have folks to chat with, but can also make you laugh. Good luck!
For me that pretty much means 100% oatmeal like Husky said, greek yogurt with flax meal mixed in, apple sauce, avocado, black beans (especially refried) with cheese melted in, brown rice, and gluten-free toast with peanut butter
Well as long as you like that diet cuz not much has changed for me after over 20 years of living with a J Pouch. I'm stuck on a lot of those foods too. I'll take more chances when I eat at home and there's a toilet close by. But out on the road, I either play it very safe or starve myself.
DOG DAY- I don't mind this diet, and actually eat more than what is listed here, but these are the foods I can trust to work without fail. I'm confident things will get better after the take-down when I have all of my small intestine and the new pouch to absorb more liquid and nutrients. When I had all of my intestine with the end ileo things were much better, and again, I expect things to get better again.

I've read a few of your posts, and it's clear you are unhappy with your pouch. You seem to be the anomaly though; especially after 20 years. Seems like most of the "old-timers" have great experiences in the long run , and when things aren't perfect respond to their experiences (and help others) in a way from a more positive and productive perspective. For example, they state what has worked for them, and hasn't, and usually have a sense of humor even if things are amiss. You seem negative and bitter. I realize I may be misreading your tone in these posts, but I won't respond to future posts that are not helpful or encouraging.
Runner4449, communicating in this manner can get confusing at times. I do my best to help people here. For example more times than I can remember I have recommended zinc oxide for butt burn. I'm happy with the product because it's worked so well for me. But you won't find me endorsing anything that's done just the opposite though, whether they be foods or meds. In fact I was very unhappy with the way Metamucil Clear worked for me this week and it's tough to recommend it to anybody now without a clear warning. That's just my honest feelings and I'd rather be straight up versus deceive anybody by wearing rose colored glasses.
I had problems with my temp ileostomy output, couldn't stay hydrated and lived on a similar diet. Recently had my takedown and it has definately made it 100% hoping it will do the trick for you too. My surgeon promised me the extra length of ileum would make the difference and it did. Don't forget that the pouch needs to get used to being used though, so it may seem to get worse straight after takedown before it starts to get better.....don't dispair if it does, it will get better. 10 steps forward and 5 steps back seems to be they way of the J-Pouch.
You have it right runner4449, Dog Day is Mr. Negative and worse.

I'm not praising my j-pouch yet because I've had cuffitis, abrasions and C-diff infections and other problems. I still wish I'd had the surgeries before I did. My pouch it's self is working well.

We all have different experiences and none of us can tell you what to do or exactly how you are going to feel. This is a support group and as such most of us have or have had problems. If someone is feeling great and all is working they usually don't go to support groups. We have quite a few well experienced members that support us and have had j-pouches for decades, including DD.
I agree with mgmt10 and toughenough.

Dogday, if you are so unhappy with your pouch after 20 years, then do something about it. Go talk to your GI or a GI Surgeon to get a better quality of life. Maybe you should have a Koch Pouch or look into the BCIR who do internal pouches.

I remember when I had my UC and even though I get pouchitis every year with my J-Pouch, its still much better then having UC.

Sure my life could be better then what it is but that is how it goes sometimes. For example;

I saw a Nutrionist last week who recommended that I go on a high-protein diet, reduce my carbs, only eat meat that is lower then fat like Turkey meat, Buffaloe which has less fat then turkey, eggs, peanut butter, and chicken sausage (Yuck).

This past week, I saw my Urologist and he looked at my X-Ray. I currenlty have 7 Kidney Stones, one is 2.2 Centermeters which means I have to have Shock Therapy to blast that out because no way a man can do it on his own. IU have had this procedure done 4 times in the past. He recommended that a high protein diet increases kidney stones. He told me to be on a low-protein diet. He knows all about my pouchits and history and I had to tell him that it was recommended that I be on a high protein diet. He said do the best you can then. What am I supposed to do, cry? No. I made a decision. I told him that I have to pick my poison and I would rather have kidney stones. Then he said to manage my diet as best I can and drink more water. Quite frankly, its so unbeliveable, I started to laugh.

Just do the best you can. That is all anyone else can do. Your world is not going to end. I had Kidney Cancer in 2009 and the best teachers I had was before I had surgery, during pretesting at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC, I saw children, some of them were younger then 10 yrs old. They were bald as their hair fell out from Chemo. But these kids were teachers because everyone of them I saw, was smiling and laughing and having a good time and accepted their life as it is.

Therefore, DogDay, count your blessings. You don't have it so bad as many others do.

Secondly, I do not appreciate you sending nasty private msgs to mgmt10. I know this person and her family and they are good people who do not deserve to be treated that way. I hope you come to your senses and do the appropriate thing and send her an apology.

Dog Day needs to shut the hell up and move on to his next site. However, this is the only socialization he has. As we all can imagine, he has systematically chased every human from his real life with his constant whining and negativity.

Mgmt10 -- sending nasty emails to people who call him out and know his M.O. is how this coward operates although he won't allow anyone to speak to him privately. He's an absolute bully. I certainly can relate to how upsetting his psychotic rants/accusations/attacks are, but remember honey, this is his only way of getting attention. Simply delete his ignorant accusations of being a "Nazi lover". You are far too good to put yourself through his BS!

I'm so grateful that so many of you are catching on. He's very dangerous -- it's important that we all keep tabs on him posting to any newbie on this site. It's been stated over and over again how horrific he's been to especially young woman posting. He's a very sick man.

Chasingtime -- I'm a veteran and although the journey certainly hasn't been without issues and adjustments, I eat what I want. There are things that I know will give me a bit of trouble, but if I make the choice to eat it -- I just deal with the consequences. After 16 years, I can tell you that it's no big deal and if it was as horrible as Mr. Dog continually states -- I would certainly try something different, as would any sane person.
Secondly, I do not appreciate you sending nasty private msgs to mgmt10. I know this person and her family and they are good people who do not deserve to be treated that way. I hope you come to your senses and do the appropriate thing and send her an apology.
Thank you for the kind words Rocco. And yes Laurie49, I figured out what kind of person he is a while ago. Just another bully.

You're welcome. I did not know the kind of person he is but am glad I found out.

I researched his other posts and I think he hates himself and his life and therefore when a person hates how their life is going, rather then starting to do something positive, they cast their Snake Venom on others to make them as miserable as they are. It may give them joy to do that, but it never lasts long.

Typical bully. For his sake, I hope he gets the help he needs. Maybe he should find a therapist, a self help book or a priest/minister who can help him by putting him on the right track.

Regardless, I have no ill will towards him, and I hope someday he takes the positive steps he needs to get a better outlook on life.

Life is really too short to remain miserable. In a way, I feel sorry for him.

Dog Day, I just want you to know, regardless of your past actions, that God loves you so much that if you were the only one He created, He would have still suffered and died on the Cross. Please go to Him first.

Typical bully. For his sake,
True such as Laurie49 did once again here when she posted
Dog Day needs to shut the hell up
or when mgmt10 posted
And for someone reading this thinking I'm being harsh, Mr. Dog Day has emailed me several nasty emails
When the truth is I never messaged her or anybody once here. And you yourself are 100% wrong about me Rocket. The truth is I'm very unhappy with my J Pouch, that's it. And if it's really a crime to say that in a country that provides freedom of speech, I suggest you all move to a country ruled by a totalitarian regime, you'll all be happy with your new dictatorship and resstricted freedoms.
Your quote: The truth is I'm very unhappy with my J Pouch, that's it.

My quote: if you are so unhappy with your pouch after 20 years, then do something about it.

You said very unhappy, I said you are so unhappy. Sorry, didn't know that you were very unhappy.

Its not a crime live in a country that provides freedom of speech. But since this site is not a political site, I will refrain from voicing my opinion.

I didn't think I was being so harsh on you but I chose to defend someone who is a friend of mine who wouldn't hurt a soul.

But all you do is complain and that makes your life worse then what is is. I used to have a friend for almost 20 years. All he does is complain about his health. No matter how many times I or others have talked to him, he is going to do the same thing he always does.

For example, I work with two people who are out with Cancer. One had a double masectomy. I saw her the next day, and she was smiling.

When I went to Sloan this past April for a follow up to my test results of Kidney Cancer which was negative, I celebrated with my brother. While at lunch, my friend leaves me a voice msg. Now my friend knows about the people out with Cancer and knew I was going to get my test resuls. His msg was typical. He said, "Hi it me again, my right foot leg hurts and I don't know what to do." That just put me over the edge. I sent him an e-mail and told him who cares your right foot hurts. People have it worse then you. Consequently, he no longer talks to me and that is too bad because we were friends for so long and I still care about him and his family. But his negative attitude was bringing me down and I could not take it anymore.

If you think that complaining is making things better, fine. It makes things worse though. I noticed you did not comment that I ending my post to you about going to God. Why?

If you think that complaining is making things better, fine. It makes things worse though. I noticed you did not comment that I ending my post to you about going to God. Why?
Oh complaining makes things worse? Oh really? Well then the early settlers in this country should have never complained about the British dictatorship that never gave them a voice to speak, taxing the hell out of their tea. No they should have just sat there and let them get their way. I know how much you and the rest of this totalitarian regime would just love that here Rocket since none of you support freedom of speech and tell me to "shut up." Your post certainly supports Laurie49 when she told me to do that for the millionth time here. So much for the whole idea of me trying to warn people how rough taking Metamucil Clear can be. I'm really negative for trying to save people from the unpleasant time I went through with it. I'm so sorry I ever said that. Please forgive me. I forgot I was committing a crime here Frowner
Thanks for the history lesson. The early settlers didn't just complain, they did something about it and they fought for their freedom so we would the freedom we have.

That gets to my earlier post to you. If you are so, excuse me, very unhappy with your j-pouch, then do something about it. My J-pouch isn't perfect and if I was sick or as miserable as you say you are, I would research other options. What is holding you back from looking into other options to improve your life? None of us can do it for you.
What is holding you back from looking into other options to improve your life? None of us can do it for you.
Didn't I just say I tried Metamucil Clear here? Are you going to tell me that's not another option or are you brainwashed by the Laurie49, MGMT10, Suebear, Kathy Smith mafia here? Go have a seat with crabby old ladies Rocket you truly belong with them. Roll Eyes
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I didn't mean Metamucil Clear. But my ealier posts said Koch Pouch or BCIR might be an alternative option. I am not going to tell you what to do. But that is what I would do. Maybe they can help you have a better quality of life. That is up to you.

And thank you for the compliment by telling me I belong with these "ladies." That is not nice to call them crabby old ladies. Your compliment made me happy.

And I only know one of the people you mentioned who is a better person then I am so I am honored that you put me in their company.

Again, go to God please who can give you more help then anyone else can in the world.
I didn't mean Metamucil Clear.
Well I'm sorry that doesn't fit in your book of alternatives, and oh I'm so sorry I even tried another alternative when you're suggesting just that, yet bring up the same old pathetic options that I've heard a million times before.
And I only know one of the people you mentioned who is a better person then I am so I am honored that you put me in their company.
Roll Eyes
This is my last response to you.

I hope you truly find peace in your heart. Negativity does not come from God. God is for everyone, anytime, anywhere. For your sake, I hope you seek Him out.

I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but if you are, I am absolutly, positvily sure that Jesus loves you. Take a look at the Cross and realize He loves you. He died for you, me, the whole world. Please invite Him into your Heart. If you do, your life will change for the better.

I wish I could help you but I cannot. I hope someday you come to terms with your helath and God can give you the grace you need. All you have to do is Ask HIM.

Go In Peace.

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