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Hi Everyone,

I'm now 5 months post take down. I continue to see gradual improvement, not as quick as I'd like but things are getting there slowly.

The last month or so I've been feeling like I've been run over by a train. I wake up in the morning and I feel very tired, and throughout the day I feel like my arms and legs are filled with cement or something.

I'm concluding my second course of flagyl, which to be honest has improved my bowel function slightly (which I suspect is due to its slowing effect), but not too much. The flagyl hasn't helped my lethargy however.

I went to my GP yesterday and had a full work up of bloods. Everything came back fine, including my iron levels, except one of my liver function tests was in the 200's, which is very elevated apparently. The GP was stumped, and has sent me back to my gastro.

She suspects its PSC as I've had a history of elevated liver functions tests previously, however my gastro's have often said that people with bad colitis can experience lower liver function, so they weren't sure.

PSC is another one of those things that they don't know much about and cant do much with, which I'm a little annoyed about given what I've been through!

Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this? Any suggestions? Hope I'm not heading back to the specialist merry-go-round that ends with no answers Frowner
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