Well, congrats! I was adamantly opposed to doing fertility treatments because I wanted nothing more medical to deal with and was on the road to adoption. We ended up deciding to try fertility treatments (long story why) and I found it to be far less invasive and medically scary than I had expected.
My best advice is be sure that they don't over stimulate your ovaries if you go to IVF. A high egg count is great but it doesn't do you any good if you end up with Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome which can cancel a cycle altogether. Have a doctor you trust. Make sure that you are prepared for the waiting. That's the hardest part.
The best thing you have going for you is your age - success rates are higher in your age group. I was 33 with no visible fertility problem - open tubes, hubby was fine, hormones were all ok - and I got pregnant three times, first try each time. First time was a fresh cycle where we transferred two three day embryos...We do think I was initially pregnant with twins but by my 8 week ultrasound only one embryo had survived. My son Alex is turning 7 next week

I did a frozen cycle two years later and did get pregnant but it was a tenuous pregnancy from the start and never progressed normally. Miscarried around 8 weeks.
Fresh cycle #2 we transferred one 6 day embryo (we went to a blast - 5 day embryo - due to the previous miscarriage, but I had hyper stim so we waited one extra day). That embryo was "hatching" - bursting out of the cell wall - strong and feisty, just like my 4 1/2 year old daughter has turned out to be
Deep breaths and lots of distracting activities will help pass the waiting times. Try to avoid the home pregnancy tests if you can...they aren't always accurate early on and you can drive yourself crazy with them.
Good Luck!