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I have been using a spray bottle with 1/5th white vinager, a squirt of liquid dish detergent (I usually pick one that has a nice smell to it like apple or lemon) and the rest water...Shake, spray on and in the bowl and any other surface that needs cleaning...wipe with some soft tissue or the toilet brush and done...Even removes those nasty stains...
Baking soda and vinegar are really useful, clean, and inexpensive. The containers they come in usually have "recipes" for cleaning materials.
Here is another tip, not necessary toilet related, but I make my own laundry detergent using washing soda (like baking soda, made by arm & hammer), fells-naptha laundry soap, and borax.All can be found in the laundry detergent isle at your grocery store (I get them at walmart). So easy and a great $ saver! I can vouch for its stain removal power too - I have a young son who poops his pants once in a while and stains come out every time - don't even have to pre-treat them.
Here is how I make it:
- grind up the fells-naptha (or plain ivory soap) with a cheese grater.
- Add the grinded up soap to a pot of boiling water (like 4 cups) and disolve it.
- Fill up a 5 gallon pail half way with warm water
- Add the soap mixture, 1 cup of washing soda, 1 cup of borax and stir
- Filll the rest of the bucket to the top with warm water and stir again
- Lastly - put a cover on the bucket for 24 hours. The next day you will have some home made laundry soap! (The consistency is pretty gloopy, but that is normal).
Hope this helps some people Smiler
Does or did anyone find that our BM would stain a toilet seat if left there for a length of time?
Before you all wonder if I don't clean up, I mean after a night time call in the dark its difficult to see if you have splash back on the under side of the seat.
The toilet seat after a while seems to have stains on that will just not come off, its as if the surface had been eaten away by acid requiring a seat replacement.
I know stoma output is very acidic but I still have my colon, for a few more weeks anyway and I'm wondering as my colon isn't fully operational am I passing higher than normal acidic stools?

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