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Hi all, haven't been too active here the last couple of years as I haven't been having any issues. I am nearly 6 years out with my J Pouch which seems to be working as expected.

Guess I should mention I'm in my sixties.


Recently I have been having issues with lower leg cramps which can be quite uncomfortable and difficult to walk out. Also have had a number of episodes of hand cramps and now having arm cramps as well. Just had a Physical Exam which didn't turn up any issues other than maybe tendonitis in the hands. Electrolytes are apparently good so I'm not sure it's purely dehydration.


Anyone have any thoughts or received treatment for a similar issue?


Thank you



Last edited by Lew
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I have been plagued with various muscle cramps over the past decade. Severity waxes and wanes. My electrolytes and hydration always check out to be good, as is my calcium, etc. I do have inflammatory arthritis with associated tendon/ligament inflammation, so that probably factors in too. But, bottom line, I am told that stretching is what is necessary to help with this, as it is related to muscle fatigue. So several times a day, I try to put my joints through full range of motion and stretch as fully as my tendons will allow.


I still get those cramps, but it hs lessened.



A few things come to my mind.  Leg cramps - restless leg syndrome, low potassium, or a back issue.  Hands, neck for sure.  I get numbness in my hands all the time and it's due to the arthritis in my neck.  Try and adjust your neck, it usually helps.  The legs!  I have restless leg.  But I also have several bulging disks in my lower back and 2 pinch nerves.  My hips, lower back, leggs and feet hurt all the time.  I broke my right foot, for the third time, last summer.  It then knocked my hip and back out.  I got my feet straightened out, seeing a sports medicine doc for the back.  Had nerve blocks and a bunch of other shots and physical Therpy all of which has helped to a certain point.  Also have arthritis in my lower back and hip.  Everything is connected.  I would suggest having your feet looked at and an MRI of your back and neck.  May get a few answers that way.



Hi Lew,

Nice to see you again, so sorry that it isn't just for a friendly visit.

Bananas, pickle juice, tomato juice, homemade lemonaide...

I would try to increase my intake of any of the above  especially at night before bed.

Up the water intake but mix some sort of berry juice (there used to be something called Ribena...not sure if it still exists but it was a rather sugary (unfortuately) natural berry syrup...a few drops in water a coupe times a day may help too.

If I remember baths with epsom salts helped as well.

Not other tricks in my bag...


I was having cramping when my vitamin D level was very low. It took a while (and longer supplementation at high doses than is normally needed) to get the levels back up, but the cramping eventually subsided. I can't swear that they were connected, but they seemed like they might be. Vitamin D isn't routinely tested at doctor's visits.

Originally Posted by Lew:

Thanks all for your responses.


Jan, I suspect you may have hit the nail on the head. I've been pretty lazy this (long, long) winter and really have done little work or exercise as would normally the case. This and the fact of getting a little older maybe I just need to get back getting out and exercising and working. Cottage season will soon be starting and I have plenty of work there so hopefully that will offer some relief.


Dianne, I did have some issues with restless  legs earlier and found that Tonic water helped a lot but what an awful taste. Although I have had an MRI a few years ago I have been avoiding another one as I am a bit claustrophobic! I may have to give in as I do have some shoulder / neck issues but I am holding off as long as I can.


Hi Sharon, nice to hear from you. I do need to increase my fruit intake, can't imagine what pickle juice would do to my stomach! I do drink lots of water and occasionally use Gatorade just for a different taste but don't like the sugar.


Scott I didn't take Vitamin D this winter like I normally have so that may be part of the answer for the severity.


Hi Lew, I was having severe leg cramps (calves and/or feet) and sometimes also lower arm muscle cramps and found out it was from taking calcium supplements that all my doctors insisted I take. I didn't have enough magnesium to support taking calcium. Currently I take as much magnesium glycinate as my pouch can tolerate, and NO calcium supplements, and I rarely have muscle cramps (unless I've eaten a lot of sugar). Debbie

Hi Lew...yes my vit d levels were tested and found out that I was depleted with this vit d.  Not only deficeint but depleted.  So that upped my vit d but I also was tested for diabetes because of the leg/foot pain.  Turned out that # was ok.  But my mineral levels are all off so I had to increase all of the vitamins and mineral supplements again.  Still wasnt getting much relief and so I got an MRI and sure enough all kinds of stuff.  Herniated discs, spinal stenosis, neck disc impairments.  ( 2 discs completely gone) and so on.  Pain is an awful thing.  It seems to attack those with autoimmunes all the time.  Take care.  Maybe an MRI would be wise and some blood work. Have a great day!

Out of the blue and sometimes for a week or two I get foot, leg and hand cramps.  I can't connect any particular event to their suddenly driving me "crazy".  It happens during the day as well as during the night.  A friend told me what works for her and it also works for me.  I keep a bottle of diet tonic water with quinine available next to my bed, in my car and in my kitchen.  It doesn't matter if the carbonation is gone!  When the cramps hit I take a couple....or three or four.....good sized sips of this tonic water.  Within a minute or two the cramping is gone!  The relief seems to last awhile but when my body goes through these cramping problems I am never far from my bottle of tonic water with quinine.  Whew!

I'm going to give the tonic water a try. It would be good to get off another prescription. I'm sorry you are having problems Lew.  I was diagnosed with restless legs syndrome during a sleep study.  I take medication before bed for it.  I also need to take it late afternoons around half of the time.  I have peripheral neuropathy in both feet and had to quit taking Flagyl as it was contributing to the problem.  I've also had several tests on my legs where they administer little shocks - using little patches like they do for EKG's.  Then a doctor inserts tiny needles to see how my nerves are connecting - I hope this makes sense. It is interesting as I see something like an EKG pattern on a monitor and and hear sounds. I don't understand how sounds are generated from the needles inserted testing the nerves in my legs.  The outcome of these tests show that I have some small nerve damage in my calves and legs.  They haven't tested my arms yet but I seldom have any symptoms in my hands. My former neurologist had me coming in every 6 months. He was checking to see if my neuropathy was in my hands yet and if it had gone further up from my feet.  There are over 1,000 reasons for neuropathy. I thought that he should have at least checked out 3-4 reasons each visit, ha ha. I've fired him and I doubt that he even notices or cares that I've found a new doctor. 


Hopefully you aren't headed in my direction but thought I'd put my 2 cents in.  The medication I take for RLS is for seizures. I've never had seizures but have taken different medications over the years for other problems that were mainly to control seizures. I'm sure the doses I take are smaller than those needed for seizure control.


It's nice to hear from you and I'm glad your j-pouch is working so well  I love success stories!!!


Think I got the tonic water idea from one of your earlier posts regarding restless legs.

It seemed to work great for that (but God it's awful stuff to drink LOL).

(Another trick my wife found for my restless legs was putting magnets under the bottom sheet of our bed). I normally don't buy into that stuff but I haven't had restless legs for some time!

I think I'll try some more tonic water to see if it helps with the cramps. (The ones in my legs and arm seem to be subsiding in frequency one only every few days  but my hands are still cramping whenever I try to use them to do much of anything, very frustrating and painful.



All very Interesting! I've had terrible and frequent leg and hand cramps since January, when I went on 40 mg. prednisone. during the night they were almost hourly and lasted 15-20 minutes . They decreased as I tapered dwn on prednisone, now at 20mg. But last week I was diagnosed with very low Vit. D and prescribed big dose of Vit. D to be taken weekly, and also iron since my hemoglobin had dropped to 6.5 ( also had 2 uhits of blood for that). I have not had any leg or hand cramps now for 3 days!  Must be the Vit. D or iron! So nice not to be woken in the night with leg cramps! Check your Vit D levels if having leg cramps!

There is a old fashioned remedy for leg cramps that says if you put a bar of black soap (I think that it is carbolic soap but I am not completely sure) at the foot of your bed, under the sheets that it will stop leg cramps too. They swear by it here...I have never tried it but at have very clean sheets!




I think we were using Ivory Soap too!


Regarding the magnets, my wife went to the Dollar store and bought them (a lot of good stuff ones out of that lowly Dollar store LOL).


I have to believe it was the magnets that stopped my restless legs. (Really not something I would normally put my faith in LOL).



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