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Has anyone been told they have leaky bowel? My new GI doc said I have leaky bowel and probably have had it for some time. I am taking EnteraGam for it and have been on it for months now with no noticeable change in my symptoms. He said the EnteraGam helps to heal the cells of the bowel wall and stop toxins from entering the bloodstream. I have an appt with him this afternoon and will ask him what is a reasonable amount of time before I might see some improvement. I am feeling quite discouraged in general as it has now been one full year since my colon was removed (Aug 2014) and approaching my take down anniversary in November. It seemed like that one year mark was the goal for reaching some degree of normalcy, albeit it would be a new normal, and I have in my opinion gotten worse. I know my diseased colon is gone but from a functional point of view, I am worse off. I have pain after eating everything, there are very few times I eat something that I do not bloat and need a bathroom pretty quickly. Sometimes it is worse than others. I feel like I have had every test imaginable--although I am sure there are more forms of torture out there, and there doesn't seem to be an explanation for why my body is just not adjusting to having this J-pouch!! I know there are others of you out there that have felt this frustration. I have been scoped and my surgeon says no pouchitis. But I am on Flagyl and that has reduced the number of bowel movements and helped with the diarrhea. I am sure of that as this new GI doc took me off the Flagyl and within about 6-7 days the diarrhea was back with a vengeance. So back on the Flagyl, also take a probiotic and the Enteragam. Also unfortunately about 3 weeks ago had to have a PICC line put in for TPN because of weight loss and malnutrition. I am small, only 5'2" but had dropped to 83 pounds and it was headed in the wrong direction so as much as I hate it the TPN has started to put some pounds on me. I had TPN before so I know it does work but this time it has not gone smoothly, was infused too quickly at first and had a terrible blood sugar reaction and felt nausea and woozy within an hour or so of starting the infusion. Fortunately the dietician from the pharmacy figured it out from my symptoms. The doc wanted to give me some freedom and just do the TPN for 12 hours, overnight, 7-7 or whatever but that was too much too fast at my weight and she had to re-calculate the rate and so I am stuck with this TPN bag for 22 hours a day. I still don't feel good for some reason this time. I am gaining weight but don't have any energy or strength. I expected as the weight came on, I would start to feel a lot better. One more thing to be frustrated about!! I doubt the doc will have an answer about that as it seems they know little about TPN as I have learned. I will speak to the dietician again as she is wonderful, very caring and knowledge. But none of that is solving the problem of why I can't eat normally and digest foods without bloating, pain and bathroom problems. I knew I would have frequent bowel movements, I was not unrealistic, but I am still in so much pain!! I had to very difficult surgeries, 12 days in the hospital for both, we all know the complications we all endured might be different but let's face it, none of us would be on this message board if we were amongst those that had a text book experience and went on with their lives happily ever after!! My life has been at a standstill for years and had so much hope that I finally had the answer. Now I feel like I don't even know what to hope for. Is it likely that my body will just suddenly start functioning like it is supposed to?? I know some people on here have done a diversion to give things a rest, others have just ditched this pouch and gone back to the colostomy bag. How do you know when it is time to call it quits on this? Should I be setting some type of deadline and after that, move on with Plan B? I know there is never a good time but....we will be moving (locally) soon and my daughter is having a baby in January. Our first grandchild!! Another reason to want to feel good and be healthy and not need someone to take care of me!! I don't live in a huge metropolitan area and have already seen 2 GI docs in one big group and am now seeing a GI doc in another. I have been to Vanderbilt's GI group. Didn't care for the doc I saw there although she was probably brilliant. How hard is it to get into some of these Drs at Cleveland Clinic many of you have mentioned? Part of me thinks I am not there yet, I mean there must be more that can be done here but it is exhausting as you well know. Any and all advice would be appreciated. Heading to dr. appointment shortly.


Thanks for listening.  

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Joan, I remember you posting about the Enteragam before. Sorry that it appears to be a failure. TPN is not a long term solution, but certainly can be a great rescue treatment. While it provides all the required nutrition for life, there is much in real food that we don't know the purpose or effect on our bodies. When I was on TPN and gaining weight, I felt fine generally, but not with my full energy levels I had when healthy. It takes months and months to rebuild that muscle tissue. 


Plus, from what you say, I am seeing some underlying depression in there. If it is not being addressed, it should be. I am not saying you should be happily skipping about, but clinical depression can be a real drain on the healing process. So much so, that your brain is unable to appreciate the small gains you make. 


I am not sure what yo make of this leaky bowel thing. There is a lot on the internet about it, but mostly in the alternative medicine group. I presume you've had a full upper GI evaluation to rule out Crohn's, celiac, etc.? Viewing the pouch is only a small part of the GI tract, and most of the nutrient absorbtion is in the rest of the small bowel. So, I am not convinced this is a primary pouch issue or that diversion would solve your problem. Cleveland Clinic or Mayo might be a good idea, since they would do a whole battery of diagnostics. But, if you've had them all, I just don't know. 


Hopefully someone will come along soon and give you some better advice. Just know I am thinking of you and hope you get some relief!



Echoing what Jan wrote, this doesn't seem likely to turn out to be a pouch issue, mostly. Did you have some (or all) of these symptoms before colectomy, even if at the time you thought they were caused by UC? In any case, I hope you get some energy back soon. Jan's point about the possibility of depression could certainly be part of that.


Thank you both for your responses and I am sorry it took me so long to acknowledge them. Interesting that my GI dr had the same thought that you both did--we need to move on from this recent surgery and look elsewhere for what is going on. I have been looked at every way possible and my surgeon has found no problems, no pouchitis nothing to indicate that the J-pouch surgery was not successful, technically. A lot of my friends have a hard time understanding how I can say that the surgery was successful in that my surgeon removed my diseased colon and did the procedure he was asked to do! Now for some reason my body is just not responding to all of this very well. At my last GI appt we went way back in my medical history; I had my gallbladder out 7 years ago, before I ever had the UC, and then shortly after the gallbladder removal I had a bout of SIBO and from that point on I have always said I was never the same. Given antibiotics but never thought it got be back to a normal functioning GI system. Eventually diagnosed with irritable bowel and then years later the UC. Then unsuccessful treatments and the surgery. My dr is wondering if my body never adjusted to digesting fats after losing my gallbladder but those symptoms just blended in with all the other symptoms I was having. He's right it is very hard for me to go back and try and separate one from the other now and even then, not having the benefit of foresight, didn't know first of all what SIBO was, what UC would feel like, I mean who knows? He is testing me for Celiacs again, this must be the third time, not sure why he is wanting that repeated but waiting for that to come back as he is doing the genetic test for that. 


Also having a rough time with this TPN this second time. Started it about a month or so ago and yes I have gained weight so I know that is the goal but I have been going downhill with my energy level. That was not expected and I know it was suggested that it might be depression. I have seen the nurse practitioner at the psychologist's office where I go and we have talked about the anti-depressant I am on and tweaked the dosage to no avail. I finally got a copy of my blood work from the home health nurse and she and I discussed that I should probably see my primary care dr. My platelets are low, in fact, dropped from one week to the next. Also my CO 2 level in my blood is low. There were several other things on there that I had to look up the acronyms for but she pointed out were not in the normal range and she thought that after several weeks of TPN they should be closer to normal. I actually told her last week that I felt out of breath and that my chest was heavy but she said my chest sounded fine. I knew I was feeling exhausted but I did think maybe it was depression and being overwhelmed with an upcoming move. But that is when I asked her to see if she could get me a copy of the blood work since she is drawing blood every Monday to send to the pharmacy before they mix my TPN. So that was just yesterday that we took a look at the results, which she said she can't explain but it is possible that some of the low values and some odd high values might be responsible for my fatigue. Fortunately I was able to get in to my dr this morning. This seems to be a never ending journey. Hoping he can explain or order some additional blood work to get this figured out. 

Thank you again for your opinions. I am sorry I have not posted. I have truly felt that bad and am making feeble attempts to clean out closets and get things ready to send to GoodWill.  Ugh. I need energy now. 


Thanks.   Joan

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