While there are great products out there from great companies, I've been known to go ten days with Convatec moldable two-piece and NO other adhesive or additive or add-on, at all. I used the Dura-hesive wafers.
I chose the smallest wafer I can use safely and comfortably (this helps prevent the ole wafer "pry bar" affect, when using a wafer that's too large! In the hospital they give you HUGE wafers - much too big.
I also trimmed even the moldable wafer to be slighly bigger. While I think the roll is nice, I think having too big a roll that goes up the stoma doesn't help. Shower, be sure all is dry with a cool hair dryer, have something to ensure the spoils don't go on your skin or drip off (I stand next to the sink with a paper towel on the top and lean close to it while working so drips land there) Then I ensure my hands are dry with the dryer, roll up the moldable, place it over the stoma comfortably, so it doesn't rest on the ridges. Also, be sure to flatten the skin and consider potential belly rolls and ensure it rests comfortably where you put it, even when you are moving.
FYI, it could be argued my stoma was "too big" to use the following wafers, but with my trimming technique I got an excellent fit. I used convatec PN 411802 wafer and PN 416417 bags. I also used the convex version of 411802 every once in a while, but found I didn't really need it. I had a loop ileo .. now I have a brand new, redone J-pouch that seems to be working!
Best wishes.