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I was sent home from the hospital with Holister 2 piece. So far 4 different nurses have not solved this problem. I use with the Holister their ring molded right up to stoma. Today we had to add powder and prep and then the ring. I change every 4 days. 

Should I change every 3? 

Could it be the heat from the shower?

A different manufacturer? 

Just don't know what to do!

Thanks any advice appreciated

Last edited by AllyKat
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Hi AllyKat,  This is what I use for my stoma and what I do:

  • I change my appliance every four or five days.  I live in Florida and it's hot! 
  • I stop eating around 7:30 p.m. the night before I do an appliance change.
  • On the day of my change, I shower without any appliance on and everything usually stays nice and quiet while I'm showering.  Things are also calm while I'm changing my appliance (because I stopped food early the night before).  Very rarely does Rosy spurt and that's why I have 4 X 4 gauze on hand.
  • I use either only warm water or a gentle soap on a washcloth (I use a soap like Dial that rinses well off the skin)
  • I keep the gauze nearby after my shower and wrap one piece of gauge around my stoma (in case it spurts).  Open up the gauze lengthwise, fold in half and wrap around the stoma (it will hold and stay in place) because your skin will be damp.
  • I dry the area with my hair blower on low heat and keep it away from the stoma
  • Less is more!!!  I use Convatec moldable flanges and a 12 inch bag (2 piece system)
  • I use no other products except a ring of paste around the hole of the flange (also Convatec).
  • I briefly warm up the abdomen area around the stoma and also the flange(wafer) with a hair dryer.
  • I apply the flange and press it down and around lightly with my fingertips.
  • I release the white paper frame and press that down too.
  • I also use a long handled Q-tip and press it gently around the outside of the stoma area to press down the paste under the flange.  Wet the Q-tip slightly.
  • Lastly I wear a Nu-Hope wide belt for an hour or so after applying the new appliance to support the area and help it all to adhere well.  The belt is so comfortable--nice and wide.


That's it!  Hope this helps a bit.  




I use the same changing technique as well.  Works really well.  I also just bought this Shower pouch that keeps the pouch completely dry when showering.  I hate a wet pouch for some reason. Well worth the money for me. 


I change every four days and thought that was a good time frame.  I'm not sure the average.  



Last edited by Starry01

I use coloplast products.  I would visit all the major ostomy companies websites and order samples. They want your business so they are more than happy to have you try their products. I change twice a week or every 3 1/2 days.


The adjustment period was not fun, I totally understand what your going thru. But you will find a system that works for you. after that, this thing is easy to live with. 


Good Luck, 


Originally Posted by Starry01:

I use the same changing technique as well.  Works really well.  I also just bought this Shower pouch that keeps the pouch completely dry when showering.  I hate a wet pouch for some reason. Well worth the money for me. 


I change every four days and thought that was a good time frame.  I'm not sure the average.  


 Love my shower pouch, too!


While there are great products out there from great companies, I've been known to go ten days with Convatec moldable two-piece and NO other adhesive or additive or add-on, at all.  I used the Dura-hesive wafers.  


I chose the smallest wafer I can use safely and comfortably  (this helps prevent the ole wafer "pry bar" affect, when using a wafer that's too large!  In the hospital they give you HUGE wafers - much too big.


I also trimmed even the moldable wafer to be slighly bigger. While I think the roll is nice, I think having too big a roll that goes up the stoma doesn't help.  Shower, be sure all is dry with a cool hair dryer, have something to ensure the spoils don't go on your skin or drip off (I stand next to the sink with a paper towel on the top and lean close to it while working so drips land there)  Then I ensure my hands are dry with the dryer, roll up the moldable, place it over the stoma comfortably, so it doesn't rest on the ridges.  Also, be sure to flatten the skin and consider potential belly rolls and ensure it rests comfortably where you put it, even when you are moving.


FYI, it could be argued my stoma was "too big" to use the following wafers, but with my trimming technique I got an excellent fit.  I used convatec PN 411802 wafer and PN 416417 bags.  I also used the convex version of 411802 every once in a while, but found I didn't really need it.  I had a loop ileo  .. now I have a brand new, redone J-pouch that seems to be working!  


Best wishes.


keep in mind that while its nice to go longer between changes, keeping the skin in good shape is what is most important. Better to change too early, than too late. One idiot ostomy nurse wanted me to wait until leaks got out to near the tape before changing. Thru trial and error, I have found that after 2 days, my output is eating thru the eakin seal rings, and starting on the skin. So I change in morning, every other day, and have no skin problem because of that. My change routine is a little different in that I change while sitting in my recliner, peel off the wafer, use paper towels to remove some of the gummy eakin residue, spray around stoma with cavilon spray, and place the wafer. (With 1/2 of an Eakin seal molded around opening) No showering, no washing, no powders, and have not had a leak since my surgery over a year ago. Works much better for me. Quicker, and much easier than changing after showering, drying, powdering etc. 

Wow alot of people use Coloplast  , Coloplast  never worked for me, I  had a nurse over 10 years back give me a Hollister to try and I use them ever since, which is a two piece I perfer two piece.. 


Try Hollister  if Coloplast aren't working, because Hollister worked well for me.

 Change every 3 days, if your leaking, I use to have to change 3-4 a day, now maybe once a day due to my infection and damage to my stomach, but Hollister works the best..  Coloplast does have these things forgot the name that go over your wafer to help seal, if you ask the Rep there its new and for leaks so ask for something for leaks, I used before and plan to get next year for my re order  because I would last longer with them.. So try that.

Good luck.

Last edited by >>>EXITONLY<<< aka jef

I had surgery on 8/31/15 at the Mayo Clinic.  I had to go to a local Stoma NP around 10 days after my release as the skin under the appliance was red and weeping. She said 2 layers of my skin was gone, in other words it was a mess.  She's seeing me twice a week and has given me many different appliances to try out and I've just received samples at home from the 3rd company.  I tried to get them to send me samples before she did her magic in contacting the companies for me.  She said if it burns to change it and she wants me changing it every other day until the skin is better.  It is a lot better. She prescribed a smaller wafer size and I am sending back 10 unused for credit and am using Hollister which is the same brand but a smaller size.  I knew I was going to have problems as my surgeon went along with my wishes and placed it lower on my lumpy abdomen.  The other options were at my natural waist line.  I've had so many open surgeries, two babies and large weight fluctuations.  I just didn't realize it would be this difficult.  I am also using a belted system. I might be changing brands as I have 2 of other brand samples yet to test.


It took a lot of pressure off of me when she told me to change it more often as the stoma nurses at the hospital said I should only change it twice a weekly, even though I had to change it at least daily while there for a week.  It sounds like an attainable goal.  Thanks to everyone that explained their techniques above.  I've watched u-tubes and a DVD from Hollister about this too.  They all helped me mentally.


I found that going without a wafer and letting the skin air out really helped.  It usually spews out poop during this time but I just capture it, usually with TP and flush it.  I also use wet white wash cloths to clean it as well. 

I have that same one.  It works 90% of the time so I am satisfied. And it probably leaks when I don't put it on right. It's worth the $ to me. And I use it every single day. 

Measure your waist per the website and order like it says.  When I first got it I didn't think it would fit but it does.  It has to be tight.  So if you are fresh out of surgery you should wait a bit.

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