I've had the day from hell here, one bit of bad news followed by another.
My outpatients appointment was today, believe it or not this is my 8 week follow up from my surgery in late September...(work that one out...)
As the more mathematically skilled amongst us may have worked out the outpatient department are rubbish at giving out appointments on time.
Now from my colectomy and J pouch creation operation my incision hasn't healed well, all due to me being totally 'knackered' and very run down before my operation, its only now becoming clear how ill i was, my natural way of dealing with ill health is to just get on with it, only right at the end did my colitis bring me to my knees.
The terrible state of my health before hand has slowed my recovery over the past few months, despite which i have continued to work, which has also not helped my recovery.
My wound is nearly healed all but one sinus which the registrar thinks will take another month to heal up.
My pouchogram done about 6 weeks ago has shown up a 'tiny leak' from the back i'm told. More evidence that my body isn't healing as well as it should.
Up until a few weeks ago my mucus output has only been once every 2-3 days but recently its increased to about twice a day to stay comfortable. On sunday i noticed a slight pink tinge to it but this hasn't been repeated.
What can they do about this 'tiny leak'? tiny or otherwise....
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