Hello all, I recently was released from the hospital after complications following my second surgery. My jpouch was created but not connected and my rectom was removed. Since then I have been leaking puss and discharge from my butt during the night.. sometime I have the urge during the day but mainly when I'm asleep. I have NO CONTROL over this at all. I've tried crossing my legs and squeezing my butt closed but it still leaks out. last night I leaked and had to change pajama pants about 3 different times.. it's not stool that leaks but still. How long should this go on? During my hospital stay it was blood and eventually changed to puss and discharge. Idk if it's my nerves down there or what but it's so frustrating and embarrassing. I have these long pads from the hospital that I just started using that absorb any "accidents" I may have they're made by medline, and called "extraabsorbs". Please if anyone has experience with this problem how long does it go on? My take down is early February.
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This is not pus, but just mucous formed by your gut. You are not alone, as this is a very common complaint. It may last until your ileostomy take down, but has no bearing on your future continence.
it does dry up gradually over time, so you should see an improvement, but t hen your take down is soon so not sure how dramatic the improvement will be by then.
My understanding is its actually a good sign, as the bowel is still coating its lining with healthy bacteria and new cells in the wall lining.
You could try bathing your but with warm (warmer the better) water. this encourages drainage and will probably feel a lot better. Thats what i did 2 or 3 times a day and it helped for me
Had the same problem, more so between my 1st and 2nd surgeries. Since takedown (5 mos. ago), I have had some fecal leakage but it is getting better. Taking Benefiber once a day, Peptobismol at dinner and 2 Immodium before bed. Minimal if any leakage at night, daytime leakage is only when I really have to go to the bathroom and can't get there right away, like today when I was grocery shopping. I use pads or liners all the time. But on the bright side, I am eating lots of different foods and only have 3-4 bm's in 24 hours. Yesterday I had only 2! So things definitely have improved for me.