As with many things, this is also very individual. I don't really have an official "cut off time." I often do eat later in the evening. This does have a lot to do with my schedule, in that a few nights per week I don't get home until after 8, and I need to have a later dinner. Strangely enough, whether I eat earlier/later doesn't seem to really affect my nighttime trips. I'm up about once a night half the time, regardless of when/what I ate. Then again, as I mentioned in another recent thread, I usually eat smaller amounts at a time, so that might have something to do with it, too; that is to say, maybe it's not so much when I'm eating, but how much at one time.
Anyway, the point is, you could try it and see how it affects you. Possibly you might have no issues, but you'll never know unless you give it a go!