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Hi all, as I sit here drinking my clear liquids in preparation for my j-pouch removal tomorrow morning, I wanted to thank you for getting me through the last five years. I am continually amazed at your strength and ability to stay in the game despite the constant proverbial shoe dropping. I was able to get through my own difficulties by tapping into your strength, wisdom, problem solving and willingness to share your own experiences. Within the past year, I asked you when you know enough is enough; you said that we all come to this point at different times for different reasons. My decision to go with a permanent ileo took a year to gel. The stress of trying to make my j-pouch function at the level I needed it to was beginning to take a toll on my body and my head, as were the meds. That fact was the basis for my decision, my "aha" moment. I will have a permanent end ileo by tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure I will have my own issues, hopefully they'll be completely different from those I've had with my j-pouch! I will be happy to share anything, help YOU all in any way I can. Now I need to finish up because I'm crying and I can't see the screen so well, but I will end with I am so grateful to all of you everyday and I wish you all the best.

Much Love,
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Hi Lori,
I am holding your hand and giving you a virtual hug...I am so sorry sweety that things have come to this and that you have to go through this all...let's just hope that your journey ends with this final surgical procedure.
By tomorrow, as you say, things will be over and you can look forward to life without pouchitis, fistula and pain...I hope.
Don't cry...please Lori...sleep well tonight...tomorrow you will be free.
TEMarie, I started soft foods on day three and it made a world of difference. My head cleared and my body woke up in a good way. I'm on day 7 in the hospital, possibly staying until tomorrow if Infectious Disease says one more day of IV antibiotics. It's OK; better safe than sorry. Because I was ready for this surgery, it was my choice, and it was the one I was healthiest going into, my recovery is so much better. I found out that my pouch had adhered to my pelvic wall and bladder (common, surgeon says.) I think my body is saying, "Good riddance" at least for now.

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