Hi all, as I sit here drinking my clear liquids in preparation for my j-pouch removal tomorrow morning, I wanted to thank you for getting me through the last five years. I am continually amazed at your strength and ability to stay in the game despite the constant proverbial shoe dropping. I was able to get through my own difficulties by tapping into your strength, wisdom, problem solving and willingness to share your own experiences. Within the past year, I asked you when you know enough is enough; you said that we all come to this point at different times for different reasons. My decision to go with a permanent ileo took a year to gel. The stress of trying to make my j-pouch function at the level I needed it to was beginning to take a toll on my body and my head, as were the meds. That fact was the basis for my decision, my "aha" moment. I will have a permanent end ileo by tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure I will have my own issues, hopefully they'll be completely different from those I've had with my j-pouch! I will be happy to share anything, help YOU all in any way I can. Now I need to finish up because I'm crying and I can't see the screen so well, but I will end with I am so grateful to all of you everyday and I wish you all the best.
Much Love,
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