I have decided to just stay the way I am. My valve hasn't slipped, my pouch is attached to my abdominal wall. The problem I have is a stricture right before the valve opening to the pouch itself. So since I have no leaks of gas or output, I have decided to just stay the way I am. I had to change my eating, but other than that I'm good with this. I do have a NutriBullet, so if I want corn, peas, salsa or broccoli: I'll just blend them up. Chili will be different also, I'll have to blend the light red kidney beans and make them a part of the chili that way. I can still eat lettuce, I shred it....no spinach allowed unless I blend it for something. I have just learned, things could be worse so I'm just going to adjust to my new situation. Took me 9 months to get to this point but I'm ok with it. The Kock Pouch is wonderful, and I love it, even with my catheter in 24/7.

Serenity Prayer comes to mind. "Accept"