I had a golden kiwi fruit with breakfast and did a very healthy bowel movement not long after.think I'll be adding this to my weetbix in the morning.
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What are your usual BMs like? Do you think the golden variety of kiwi is special for digestion?
My BMs are different day to day ,but I read the kiwifruit is good for digestion but today I had too much and mandarin and ended up with more bms than usual.I read kiwi fruit has both soluble and the other fibres and more vitamin c .but everyone's different and I'll probably have half a kiwi fruit.
Good to know about the kiwi! Do you find that the wheatbix gives you good stool consistency? I haven't had any wheat in years, but was thinking about trying it again. I got some new enzymes that are supposed to help digest it so maybe if I eat it with those it won't increase inflammation. I miss whole wheat product.
Yes I have no problem with weetbix with oat milk.I add mandarin to it and kiwifruit.Theres a good doctor on youtube called dr Mandel or motivational doc.he says we loose 1 liter of fluids while we sleep and so we need to rehydrate in the morning.
Kiwi fruit with diced apple and banana in a blender with weetbix is like a enema.big bm but feel great after.
I got a cereal called "Mesa Sunrise" by "Nature's Path" that, when I ate it in the evening, made it so I slept through the night without having to get up and poop. I have tried to have psyllium before bed and it hasn't worked like that so far. I'm going to keep experimenting. The 3 nights in a row I had the cereal and slept through the night, I was really tired so it could have just been that. Further testing is needed. Also, the Mesa Sunrise made for good poops the next morning.