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The past couple of days my pouch have been acting up.

It began after eating a salad (which I love). First I got a full stop, followed up by loads of liquid stool. Then it just did not go back to "normal" and now it feels like it is twisting and turning and making a lot of noise no matter what I do. I do not know what to do, besides drinking a lot of water and tea. Please, I need your advice.

Do you think it is causet by a swelling, a kinck or an obstruction, and what can I do besides crossing my fingers, that it will go away if I drink enough?



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This sounds like a partial obstruction perhaps caused, in part, by the salad.  Although food alone is rarely the cause of an obstruction, if you already have narrowing present due to adhesions, scarring, stricture, etc, then high roughage foods such as salad can certainly have difficulty passing through the problem area, which can lead to a blockage. You seem to have the telltale signs - including watery stool.


I myself am prone to partial obstructions due to adhesions. I find that even after the blockage passes, I usually feel "off" for a few days. What you are describing doesn't sound out of the norm for a partial obstruction at all. It may have already passed, and you are just dealing with the residual symptoms now. You are doing the right things by sticking with fluids and avoiding solid food. Remember too that obstructions do cause swelling of the bowel so you are not going to feel "normal" immediately. I think many people are under the impression that they will feel instantly better as soon as they have a BM. While having BM certainly does relieve some of the pressure, your system has been put through the ringer and you have to take it easy for at least a couple of days.


But I would suggest that if you are not seeing an improvement within the next 24 hours, or if you still feel blocked, then you really should try to see your GI or surgeon, or failing that, go to the ER. Most partial blockages will pass on their own with fluids, walking, and heat applied to the area. But blockages that do not pass within about 24 hours can be serious, so it's not something to  ignore. Certainly, if you start vomiting or develop a fever, you need to go to the hospital. 

As to whether or not you have a kink, loops or a twist in the bowel, this is really impossible to diagnose unless you have imaging studies to confirm it.  It may be worthwhile to call or email your GI and just report the symptoms you have had, even if you are feeling better now. Your doctor may want to document this and perhaps do some imaging later on to rule out a structural problem, especially if the obstructions start becoming more frequent.

Last edited by Spooky

Thank you very much, Spooky. I will stick to liquids for a day. I am invited for dinner tomorrow night at a friends house though, think I better cancle. I know, that my GI only have one answer - the same as always - a dilatation. The thing is, that always makes my insides swell up, so I'd rather try to avoid it. Besides, it has only been 2 months since my last one ( I better go for a walk instead. 




You can start back on solid foods - slowly - gauging by how you feel. As long as you are continuing to pass stool, you can start eating softer foods. I generally start with soup, yogurt, cottage cheese, apple sauce, scrambled eggs, etc, when I'm recovering from an obstruction. So you may be fine to go to the dinner depending on what is being served. Even pasta or lasagna might be okay, if you don't eat too much all at once.


If you've been dilated before, you probably had/have a stricture. If that's the case then it wouldn't be a good idea to eat salads in excess. (I used to eat salad frequently, but since I started having increased problems with adhesions, I've had to cut back. I do miss my daily salads, but it's an easy trade off since blockages are so horrific). Anyway, Google "low residue diet" for some tips on what you should/should not be eating.  Hope you feel better soon.

Last edited by Spooky


I have recently rediscovered ginger and ginger tea. They seem to help whenever I am feeling blocked and bloated. I alternate with green tea and grape juice.

They are my go-to treatments. 

I love heating pads and hot baths too. Massages with warm oils in a circular motion on the tummy help a lot (try massaging first then putting the heating pad on your tummy or lower back).

I find that for a few days to a week post obstruction I feel achy, crampy and still slightly blocked. I think that my gut swells and then requires a cooling off period on semi soft foods and thick soups to get back to normal.

You need to baby yourself a bit for now



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