Had kidney stones and had to have a stent put in bc we couldn’t get them to pass naturally and zapping them to break them up didn’t work either. Anyhow, doc thinks this might have to do with me not drinking enough and bc if my gastro history, aka no colon. He seems pretty knowledgeable on the subject and wanted me to do this 24 hour urine collection test to see how my vitamin and nutrient levels are. He said my stones were caused by Calcium citrate (I think) and before he changes my supplements around (I’m on calcium bc lovely prednisone from colitis has put me into osteopenia at age 37), he wants to check to confirm that’s whats causing it. Anyhow, pee test it is!
Soooo, I’m almost done with it today and I just measured my pee (yes it’s gross) and I only have 200ml. I looked online and (I know, stupid thing to do), and the average urine output for an adult per day is 800-1,000 ml. So I’m super low. Maybe I don’t drink a lot but that seems way off. That’s like bad, no? I mean I just had a baby and I remember that they had me pee like 100-200 ml before they’d take the IV out. And that was just in the hour, not the entire day! Maybe I need to seriously up my intake???
I know people who say they take huge amounts of liquid in per day but that’s not realistic for me. But maybe I need to make more of a conscious effort. I mean am I making myself dehydrated which is causing the stones? Is this all a result of having no colon? Or since I have the j pouch and don’t absorb as much as those who do have a colon? Does more of the liquid just come out in my stool? That’s what my husband thinks. He thinks since I have looser stools that’s where the extra fluid is going, but I’m probably still taking in more than I think I am.
So how much output is normal? What am I in for when the test results come back in? Is there a strong correlation between kidney stones and j pouches? Any suggestions are welcomed.