I had to take time off work when I first got sick at age 59. I was unable to work for 9 mos. and dropped 35 lbs. from 115 to 80. I was anemic, on TPN, had blood transfusions, C-diff, shingles and just before surgery, I had Erhthema Nodosum. My job typically requires me to be on the road, but my employer allowed me to work reduced hours in the office at half the pay. It was better than nothing. After my third surgery, I started out in the office and eventually back out in the field, part time (my choice). I retired a year ago last January, or so I thought. Now working again two days a week-I was asked to come back to help out for as long as I like. It’s good to get out as long as I can schedule my appointments to fit in with my bathroom schedule and since I control that, to a point, it works. I will be 65 in October and will reassess then. I have UC, not Crohns.