I had been having luck lately when these symptoms started to occur: blood in stool and abdominal cramping. Very reminiscent of UC, and highly concerning. Recently started regularly taking Metamucil (last couple months), the only negative has been a feeling of too much food I have that builds up in my stomach right before I'm about to evacuate. But within the last week the Metamucil has not been as effective. One particularly disturbing time that it was effective, however, it bulked up not only my stool but the blood in my stool, so there was a solid chunk of [what looked like] blood in there.
It hurts to evacuate with my anal fissure, could that be where the blood is coming from? Is this the dreaded cuffitis I've heard so much (yet so little) about or is this just a really bad fissure? Other than the blood I really thought the fissure was getting better so hopefully you can understand my confusion. If anyone has any experience with this or knows a good place to get information on cuffitis or other sites with information about j-pouch discomfort I'd appreciate your input.
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