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So I had a dilation under anesthesia on the 25th. I figured I would be sore for a little bit. It took about a week and a half for the pain to start to subside a little but it felt like I still had a stricture the same feeling I had prior to my procedure. This feeling has continued all the way up until last night. I took a chance last night with some sketchy snack foods a little to late than I usually would chose to experiment. So to let you know exactly what I had it was a plate of wheat thins that I melted the block cheese of Velveeta and poured it on top then dipped it in salsa and let me tell you it was like a feeling of euphoria I have experienced 20 minutes of heaven. I was extremely nervous what the consequences were gonna be for my actions. So I was up a lot at night and it seemed like I had extreme urgency but couldn't really empty like I wanted so I had a sleepless uncomfortable night. Today I had to go out and go grocery shopping. I had a lot of pressure and had to make a pit stop halfway through and then immediately when I walked through the door before I had the chance to bring groceries in. All the sudden my bowel movements turned into diarrhea and was going almost every half an hour. At this point as you would probably figure I had a sore butt from going so much so I decided to ease some of the pain and relax a little with a warm bath. While about 10 minutes into my bath I had an amazing experience that I haven't experienced yet with my J-Pouch. I sat there with my legs out and let so much gas out it turned my bath into a jacuzzi. It was the biggest relief Ive felt in such a long time. It feels like I let out gas that has been trapped for months. After my bath I have been feeling amazing. No pain, no pressure, no feeling of soreness just total relief. I am hoping this feeling continues and I was even nervous to eat anything tonight because I didn't want to lose this feeling. I was wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else. Im hoping the scar tissue has healed and stayed stretched out but obviously can't be certain until my next appointment. I'm sure it wasnt the wheat thin nacho concoction that I put together but if that was the case I will happily eat a plate of cheesy nachos with salsa every night.
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Do you normally shower, and that was the first bath you had taken since the procedure?

I've read more than a couple of people's descriptions of being unable to pass gas with the pouch. I haven't had that problem, but I can imagine it. I guess I'm relatively rare in J-Pouch circles in that I can bear down like I used to with a colon, and put enough pressure on the pouch to empty it of anything in there, be it gas, liquid or solid.

On some rare occasions when I am feeling well, I can even differentiate between gas and stool, and be able to feel that it is only gas, and let it pass without incident.

That is a rare treat. LOL.

My humble guess is that you might have overly tight pelvic floor muscles. Very common. So you feel like it's hard to go, and probably tense up on the toilet without realizing it, but were finally able to completely relax in the bath.

If the issues continue there are pelvic floor physical therapists who help with this stuff and are pretty great.
David, I've always had the ability to pass gas and I usually take baths on a daily basis. It is easier either on my right side or stomach being the best most likely cause the gravity contains any stool that would be following. I can also differentiate between stool and gas. This is a trick I wanted to learn early in the game so I could get rid of that uncomfortable gas when I needed to. It didn't come without its consequences in the beginning but practice makes perfect so I was willing to make the sacrifice of doing an extra load of laundry everyday.

Pluot, I think I have pretty good control over the muscles I am able to relax and let things flow when I need to. The only problem I have had with control is when I had my stricture. When my surgeon also did the finger dilation he was telling me to try and relax and as much as I tried my internal sphincter muscle was spasming out of control he said. That's when I learned there are 2 didn't muscles down there and the internal one I might lose control of due to the structure being there. My muscles are definitely more relaxed in the tub. Its just like when most people get into warm or hot water you feel like you have to pee right away.

I've always been able to relax all my muscles especially in the tub I am super relaxed but never had the experience of being able to let that much gas put at one time. It was at least a minute worth of gas bubbles. I would enjoy being able to do that everytime I take a bath that would be amazing because I felt wonderful afterwards and still feel good today.
Yeah Im not surprised about anything with the good old J. Ive seen a lot of stories of people who have got multiple dilations. If that is the worst of my issues I will take it. You have also told me about your dilations but you, I was gonna say "manned up" but you "ladied up" and got it done in the office which I refused to do and will continue to refuse to do if I need to have anymore done ha ha.

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