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I went in to see my surgeon because since my mucosectomy on 5/22 I got home, was going to the bathroom fine, within a week it changed. Like clockwork I have to go to the restroom every two hours, there is some reddish color to the stool and reddish mucus type stuff on toilet paper, not all the time but sometimes. At the doctor office she did the finger exam and determined that I did NOT have a stricture and that things actually felt quite open. I have abdominal pain as well with all this. She booked me for a CT scan, drank the liquid and got the IV of contrast. The xray did not show anything abnormal in my abdomen other then my pouch being full of stool. She said the consistency of that stool appears to be thicker and just isn't coming out. Every day for the past 3 days I took milk of magnesia, 15ml to try and make it all looser so idk why this isn't coming out. Could I have some other problem here?? She is doing a scope on me tomorrow to "decompress" or remove the stool from the pouch manually. She will check out the health of the pouch after as well.
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dgtracy, RE: the decompress, I was wondering if you've tried enemas before,or if it would work for you ? People think I'm crazy but I keep a bottle and use it all the time to irrigate the pouch.If it feels the pouch still has volume after going to the bathroom, using two to three enemas will fill the pouch and then it will completely empty on the second try.I've found that if there's anal irritation from some roughage that I ate,the enema will rinse the pouch clean and the irritation sensation goes away.
Something is ringing in my head about milk of magnesia... Can't remember exactly what, but I believe I was told not to use it as it would not act as a laxative for me due to the pouch... maybe that it would act in the opposite direction? In any case, if the stool is too thick to drain, then Sharon's suggestion is a good one; also white grape juice works well.

I hope this gets sorted out for you soon. Don't lose hope; you are still under a month post-op and the adjustment does take some time.

Skin, that's why I took the milk thinking it would do the same thing, there is a moment in the day when it's a lot coming out but it goes back to being the same.

Tech, my surgeon doesn't want me sticking anything up there do to the mucosectomy being so recent. I wouldn't be opposed to it but I would hope I wouldn't have to rely on doing that alot. I'm mostly worried I have a faulty pouch so to speak...
dgtracy -

I am so sorry to hear that you are having this trouble. I know how frustrating and emotional these things can be. I am just about 10 weeks from my takedown and have been having trouble as well. I have trouble with things (BM's or urine) coming out at all unless I really strain. The straining has caused some severe hemorrhoids (surgeon says will probably need surgery) and I get horrible excrutiating pains through my gastro tract and female areas. I know it is pouch related but don't know what it is. My last scope they noticed a "ridge" around one side of my pouch (where is is attached at the rectum) which is going to require surgery - but before doing surgery he wants to do one more scope under general anesthesia to really exam everything more thoroughly. I am very frustrated too and want my life back as well. I was really sick with UC for the last 2 years before surgery so I sometimes feel like I am never going to get my life back. It is very difficult to stay positive when all of this is happening.

I'm sorry that I cannot help with suggestions for you - other than avoiding solid food and drinking white grape juice until things clear. I had what I thought was a major blockage once and when I did that, it cleared.

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone and I am hoping and praying that your doctor figures this out for you with your exam tomorrow.

Good luck and try to stay positive. At least your doctor is getting you in for your exams right away. I had to wait 3 weeks for an exam when they know the severe problems I am having.

Take care,
I'm one of the people who doesn't like Techwrench's strategy very much, but in this case I might ask the surgeon if an enema could be gently used to dislodge things, at least if the problem recurs.

Laxatives are tricky to manage; if you're going every two hours, it may be difficult or impossible to improve things with a laxative. Did you try Lomotil or Imodium? I think of those as first-line solutions for too-frequent bathroom trips.

Good luck!
Home from my scope. My surgeon dr.hammond who is pretty awesome , she went in, removed the stool that was too thick to come out, I have a mild case of pouchitis as well. There is also some inflammation as well at my cuff ( I thought a mucosectomy would prevent that? She calls it post surgery edema... she prescribed entocort to start taking now too. I still feel kinda sore across my belly but she did say I should improve and feel better throughout the day
I've had inflammation because of my perianal fistula. It caused things to get narrow, for me to pass the liquid stool, and the thicker stool to get left behind during the worst of it.

It was not because of returning UC symptoms for me.

I did use enemas during those hard times, before dilations. Now on Canasa every 2-3 nights just "to see" if we can prevent things from happening.

I know people are toting the benefits of fiber/Metamucil/Citrucel, etc., but MY experience was that they've ALWAYS made me too thick, so I caution you to be careful and go slow with that, if you do. I, however, have never needed thickeners, though.

I still occasionally take a Mag Ox in the morning if things seem thick to me, and it loosens things up without acting like a laxative. Also, stay on top of plenty of water. My diet is devoid of nuts and seeds and the like, because they "clump" inside me and are harder to push out... Just another thought.


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