I went in to see my surgeon because since my mucosectomy on 5/22 I got home, was going to the bathroom fine, within a week it changed. Like clockwork I have to go to the restroom every two hours, there is some reddish color to the stool and reddish mucus type stuff on toilet paper, not all the time but sometimes. At the doctor office she did the finger exam and determined that I did NOT have a stricture and that things actually felt quite open. I have abdominal pain as well with all this. She booked me for a CT scan, drank the liquid and got the IV of contrast. The xray did not show anything abnormal in my abdomen other then my pouch being full of stool. She said the consistency of that stool appears to be thicker and just isn't coming out. Every day for the past 3 days I took milk of magnesia, 15ml to try and make it all looser so idk why this isn't coming out. Could I have some other problem here?? She is doing a scope on me tomorrow to "decompress" or remove the stool from the pouch manually. She will check out the health of the pouch after as well.
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