Hi, I just had my take-down surgerery last Thursday, October 10. Have had nothing but trouble since with non-stop urgency and diarrhea even a week later, burning pain so bad i've been in tears for four days, scared to leave the house, scared to eat. Feels like my guts are ready to come out my rearend, pressure causing great pain. Only relief was a sits bath and even that is no longer helping. I've used the zinc ointment, diaper rash ointment, vaseline, polysporin, even Gold Bond which actually worked best for the burning pain but now nothing seems to be working. I'm worried things aren't going to get better and whether I made the right decision to have the reversal - although I couldn't imagine living with the appliance either. Any help, suggestions, words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated as I am truly at the end of my rope here 

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