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Well I am 19 days out from surgery. It was an unusual experience to say the least. My surgery itself went well. The doctor said my pouch was in pretty bad shape and they had to scrape if off of my bladder. Five days after my surgery I started experiencing the worse pain I have ever had in my life. I ended up passing a huge clot from my bladder. I passed out for the first time in my life because of the pain. Unfortunately I had a code called because they thought I was dead. When I came to I was begging them to stop doing compressions. They immediately took me to ICU where my white count was up to 59,000 and I had to have 3 pints of blood. The blood clot I passed was apparently pulling my red bloods cells to it. Thank God I was in hospital when all of that happened because I might have died otherwise. For a while I thought I should never have had this done, but as I get stronger each day I am so glad I am through this and on the other side. I have had a couple of stapes come out and my incision has been running but I am just keeping it covered and so far no fever. My ostomy has already settled down a good bit. It may be easier for those of us who have not had a colon for a long time to adjust to the ostomy. My husband has been such a wonderful help with me getting a shower and he is becoming an expert in changing my ostomy barrier and bags. Honestly I do not know what I would have done without him. I will post later as things get better.
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