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Hope everyone is doing well. Just wondering if I'll be able to lose that belly fat eventually. The area where the stoma was and the other side of the belly seems to be like fat kinda hanging there. Just seems weird but also expected after not really being able to do anything for so long. I didn't know if that's how the jpouch sits in the belly or if I just need to lose a lot of fat. Rest of my body is getting back to being more toned with the light stretching and very light exercise I been doing. For the most part, things have been going pretty good with the jpouch and it's so much better than the Ulcerative colitis hell. Finally got going to the bathroom down to 6 times a day on average. Can't wait for the follow up with my surgeon.

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The J-pouch itself is mostly pretty deep in the pelvis, so it has nothing to do with the contours of your belly. Abdomens vary a lot in their appearance after surgery; over time the effects of surgery usually become less noticeable. In spite of what many popular sources suggest you have little or no control over fat distribution in your body. You can influence how much body fat you have overall, and you can influence muscle mass in a selective way, and that can affect how body fat appears.

Thanks Jaydog. 54, I'm going on 9 weeks out after takedown. The other person who commented mentioned where the pouch sits, back in side you farther. I thought it  was right in the front where the fat is on me. You're right though about working out and eating clean. I appreciate it. I know now that I'll get rid of it.

I had lumpy belly for months after my takedown, and I went into surgery underweight!  My stomach was lopsided, and the lumpy bit was more pronounced on my left side, as if I had a small balloon inside at that spot. I asked my visiting ostomy nurse if my stomach would be permanently lopsided and she said yes, but she was wrong. The swelling eventually went down and I’m not lopsided anymore. I think it was the temporary effect of a major surgery and the moving, cutting, manipulating of the internal organs that left swelling or bruising on the inside. I can’t remember how long it took for the lumpy bit to subside (maybe a year?) but it is not noticeable anymore. Everyone is different in their recovery. I am a five year poucher. Although the pandemic diet has left me with a few new pounds to lose.

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