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I had my Jpouch surgery done on Wednesday of last week. All went smoothly except for the massive amount of scar tissue and adhesions from my previous surgery on my abdominal wall. I could not get that portion done robotically. I needed open surgery on my abdomen. I was started on a "full liquid" diet starting on Thursday and continued that till Saturday morning. Saturday at lunch they gave me a "soft GI" meal...about 3-4 hours later I was in unbearable pain. I had Dilaudid, Percocet and Toradal in my system and my pain was a 20 on a scale of 1-10. I was rushed for an emergency CT Scan. As far as the CT Scan it came back normal, there were no issues. It looks like it came down to the food causing the pain. I had eaten a plain turkey sandwich with a little mayo and a slice of cheese on each and a small piece of carrot cake. That was around 12:30. Around 4 is when the horrible pain hit. We started over on Sunday with a clear liquid diet, not sure how long before they advance me to full liquids again. I don't know why the food would cause that much unbearable pain. All the docs thought they would be taking me back into surgery. My BP was 179 / 92 during the high pain episode. When the doc saw me later after the scan and saw I was finally passing out sleeping, he said "anything serious wouldn't fix itself in a couple hours". He expected me to be in terrible pain still. Granted it still hurt but nothing like it was. My staples are no longer covered anymore. The hardest part is putting a bag on due to the staples as they are right next to one edge of the bag. It's been tricky to say the least. They are giving me real food again today to see if I tolerate it, needless to say I'll eat a little and go from there. I'm passing mucus now from my rectum as well, it started off fairly bloody now it's started to lighten up. All in all I'd say it's been smooth for the most part. They are watching my WBC count as it's up to 22k and it was 14. Crossing fingers

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