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Hi, all. Smiler I had my takedown a little over two weeks ago, and have been home from the hospital a week and two days. Overall, I feel great- almost normal. I am just wondering about what the "average" jpouch poop is like- I have been surprised by how formed my poop has been, practically from the day I came home from the hospital. I don't want to strain, so I have to sit there awhile sometimes to wait for the poop to make its way out. It is looser early in the morning. I am thinking this has to do with what I am eating during the day- still on a low-residue diet, so lots of "thickening" foods. I am aware, though, that if it is hard to have a bm, that could mean a stricture. Just wondering if that could be what's up with me.

Also, I will go once or twice in the morning (after 6 a.m.), and then will sometimes go all day, until 5 p.m. or so, before going again. I'm not complaining about that, but what usually happens is I end up getting up 3, sometimes even 5 times a night to go to the bathroom. I have not been eating after 6 p.m., and still this will happen. I'm hoping that as time goes on my "schedule" will change as my pouch and body adjust to each other. I don't mind getting up once or so at night, but 5 times is not cool. I'd rather go more throughout the day. But it should change, right?

Anyway, I have my follow-up with my surgeon next week, but thought I'd see what I could find out from other j-pouchers as well. Smiler
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Well I must say, I am slightly jealous! I am exactly a week post takedown and have been home for 2 days. I have diarrhea and as soon as I set on the toilet, it pours right out!

I sleep fine during the night waking up maybe once to use the bathroom. During the day I go a lot. From 9am-noon today, I went 4 times. It's 5pm now and I think I've gone 6 times so far. I have awful cramping too and having a hard time eating.

I am very happy to see that you are feeling almost normal again. I wonder if mine is taking longer because my bowels were sleeping for a year. How long did you have the ostomy bag for before you had takedown?

My surgeon told me that stool will thicken up and things should get easier but sounds like things are going great for you so far!
I was the same way after takedown and things now a year and a half later are stil the same way except I get up once at night. I consider myself lucky. I never needed anything to slow things down. In fact sometimes I have to drink prune juice or take a stool softener to get things going more. Just goes to show how everyone is different.

Look out for things like straining or the feeling you have to go but nothing or tiny amount only comes out. I did have a stricture after takedown and I had to have it dilated several times. In fact I have an appt. next month to have it checked again but I think it's finally resolved now. Also, my insides would make crazy loud noises (louder than usual!) when the stricture was there with a really annoying pressure in my bum.
Cate- I had an end ileostomy for 3 months, then had the jpouch created and takedown done in one surgery in January. I developed an abscess and a leak in the pouch soon after, and had to go back to a loop ileo. So all in all I had an ileostomy for about 7 months, with something like 2 weeks in January without it. From your signature it sounds like you have gotten to experience takedown twice, as well. Hopefully this is it for both of us! Here's to happy j-pouches!

Marianne- Hmmm. I have been feeling an annoying pressure/pulsing feeling in my butt sometimes when I'm laying in bed at night (at least that's when I notice it, I don't know if it happens other times.) I don't have the feeling of having to go without anything/only a small amount coming out. But I will definitely be talking to my doctor next week about what I am experiencing, and ask him about the possibility of a stricture. Just out of curiousity, if it were a stricture, and I did have to have it dilated, is it very painful? Not that it really matters- if it has to be done, it has to be done. Just wondering what I may be in for.
Since my stricture was right there at the "exit" he dilated it with his finger. And yes, it hurts like hell for about 10 seconds and then it's done. I felt so much better after that, especially the very first time because it was closed up pretty tight. But don't get worked up over's nothing you cannot handle if it needs to be done. At least its quick. Smiler
Well I must say, I am slightly jealous! I am exactly a week post takedown and have been home for 2 days. I have diarrhea and as soon as I set on the toilet, it pours right out!
Me too except, I'm very jealous! My outcome is the same as yours, nothing but diarrhea year after year. It's made for a miserable existence and lots of regret for choosing a J Pouch.
this sounds like what my son is goin thru now. been four weeks since surgery.he goes to bathroom like 12 times a day . he on diapers. but he sometimes has the feelin and it slios out to diaper before he gets to bathroom and do tiny bit on toilet or nothing. then 30 min after he does same thing again. he feels pressure and cant even go outside cause he walks all crooked and hokding butt. wonder what can it be ?

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