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I know this is gross, but I had my surgery in 1991. For the last year I have had chronic vaginosis and nothing has helped. In the last 2-3 months I have been wearing a pad because I have suddenly felt something leaking out of my vagina. It is fecal matter. I have also had air coming out of my vagina also. I had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago, I still have my cervix and tubes and ovaries. What tests diagnose this? What Dr do I see? What is the treatment? Please help!


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It sounds like you have a fistula (essentially a tunnel) between your J-pouch (most likely) or small intestine and vagina. Treatments vary depending on the circumstances, but hopefully you can find a treatment that doesn't involve surgery. I'd probably start with a gastroenterologist, but some folks might go straight to a colo-rectal surgeon. Good luck!

What Scott said. You can also see your GYN first if you can get in sooner. With the amount of drainage you mention, there should be something visible in the vagina.


Sorry to hear this. R/V fistulas are notoriously difficult to heal.


There are a number of members here dealing with this. You can do a general search or take a look in the women's forum.



My gynecologist "guessed" at a fistula (she was right), and told me to go to my CR surgeon.  She got me on antibiotics immediately, until I was able to get into the CR surgeon.  The GI doc actually wanted nothing to do with a fistula. I do not go to him anymore.   So, going by my experience, I'd recommend trying to get in to the surgeon asap. 


S/he will probably do a scope, and may recommend further testing such as an MRI and/or EUA, depending on what s/he can see during the scope. 


There are numerous procedures which your surgeon will detail for you - I've elected to forgo all procedures and therefore have a seton in my R/V fistula (since '12).   A seton is not an unusual "first step" prior to any other attempts to fix the fistula.


As noted above, there are a fair number of us out here who have R/V fistulas - or other types of fistulas.  A "search" should give you a fair amount of reading.   In addition, I'm hoping more will chime in to this thread to give you further guidance.



Last edited by n/a

Hi just giving update. I had a ct scan of pelvis and abdomen with contrast, sonogram, went to gyno. Scan showed I have a cyst on my cervix. GI did upper and lower scope today. The first scope I had since 1991. I have pouchitis with ulcers on my jpouch. I also have ulcers in my esophagus from gerd. He didn't see a fistula but we both feel I have one somewhere it just isn't showing up on any tests. When I gave myself enemas for prep a small amt of liquid came out of my vagina. What tests do I have next he said something about barium but I was so out of it and he was 2 hours behind so I just wanted to run. Not to mention the crap that after all the prep I did was exploding out of me. How attractive. my ex husband took me, I wanted him to see what he was missing hahaha. Actually he is the only one there for me so it was actually a good thing. What other tests should I have? He gave me cipro and told me to start taking vsl he also gave me something for reflux.


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