Mrs P,
How long did it take for you before Entyvio started to work and pouchitis symptoms were relieved?
I'm a 45 year old male and I've have later developed a chronic pouchitis since my j-pouch surgery in 2010. Now my doctor decided to start Entyvio-threatment as the antibiotics (Cipro, Flagyl) are clearly not working properly anymore. I received the first infusion 4 weeks ago and the second one 2 weeks ago. Now I'm just struggling with antibiotics with only low impact and waiting desperately Entyvio to kick in...
Not any relieve so far from Entyvio and I'm suffering from continuous mild pouchitis: loose stools, mild fatigue, sore muscles and minor increase of body temperature especially when I'm active (walking out slowly with the dog etc.). This has been ongoing since late 2024, thus already several months experience of this current condition.
Having a history with UC since 2006, I know that life really can suck from time to time, but living in an uncertainty without able do life normal life (including daily sports activities etc.) really has affected my wellbeing - also mentally. Having said that, I know for sure what UC and Pouchitis can be in their worst, thus I'm clad that I'm writing this now from the couch of our home, not from a hospital bed...