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I am 72 so I expected a rough time of it. I have been on Morphine sulfate for a year a it has lowered my BMs to what I had reason to expect. Told 7 to 10 BMs a day. M,ayo says 9% of us go 13 times a day. I have improved enough to enjoy many things and after so many years its worth it.

I believe it will improve with time. I only recently realized the need for a strict diet.

My problem is butt burn. I use petroleum jelly with every bm and try to not braise the skin.

Have a bidet and take many baths,

I have many red sores on the outside of my anus. Have no idea how to treat. Not hemorrhoids I think. Any alcohol base like witch hazel is unacceptable. What has anyone done to heal the butt with so many BMs Thanks

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Stay away from butter and carbonation....see if that helps!

If something has too much butter in it, the butt burn is so awful it can put me in tears and have to go soak in the tub.


Is usually something in the diet. 

Some soaps will irritate as well, esp perfumed soap.


Wishing you well, it can and will be better!


Maybe some leakage?  In the beginning I had and took anti-diahhreal meds, but found increasing fiber helped me have stronger stools but less often than many

loose ones. Metamucil helped alot.

Scott raises an interesting point maybe its the petroleum jelly itself that is causing the irritation? For years I initially used Desitin which is zinc oxide based then because the hospital only had A&D ointment I got exposed to that and found it easier and less messy, less residuey. I have heard good things about Ilex cream but have never used it. Has your doc had a look at the sores? if they are indeed sores not just irritation I wonder if you've got a whole different ball of wax than simply butt burn?


Sorry for your pain! I agree that maybe a Dr. shouled look at sores to make no bacterial infection or other type sore that may need specific medicine or other treatment. Past that, I highly recommend ordering Ilex Paste online!  It adheres to skin and really protects skin against output. That said, after output, I feel need to clean it off with Vaseline or wipes, and then add  new coating of it. I have used at least 6 different products but Ilex paste is what has changed my life! I use it most every trip to bathroom, if I'm going to bed or going out I use a good amount, but if around home light coating. It real helps if you have leakage, which I still get several times week. My initial surgery was 10/13, so more than 2 years ago. Good luck! 

I am making progress after almost two years post surgery. I have been on Morphine sulphate which made progress possible or I would of given up long ago. I have recently added vsl3ds and a increase of fiber. I take lopermide 3 times daily. My question concerns Fiber. How much is too much.  I found diet and really helps and believe I can get more improvement with fiber. I am hoping to one day cut back on Morphine. Can I increase fiber substantially for that aim

I think it is important to distinguish between INsoluble vs soluble fiber. Notwithstanding CCFA Partners recently odd survey results - but I digress. Others may disagree but my personal observation is that soluble fiber acts spongelike to absorb water/fluid making your stools more formed. Insoluble fiber just tends to fly through my already fast gut, and not to be overly graphic but resembles its original form on the way out. Suggesting to me that there is little point but irritation to ingest to begin with. as to how much soluble fiber, I think that's a self experiment try a little and see how you go, if it works then maybe try a little more, but I will say some people don't tolerate it in large amounts. so increasing it substantially as you suggest sounds alarming to me.  

I suggest you try the ilex paste again, I'm surprised it caused pain when applied. but If you know for certain it did, then stay away from it.

From my own experience I endured nearly a week of excruciating pain and discomfort due to the output of my loop ileostomy leaking onto the skin around my Stoma; it was the worse experience of my life, I even questioned as to whether I made the wrong decision to opt for a J pouch.

The skin around my Stoma was red raw, broken, blistering and oozing; it looked like acid had be poured over it; I'd never experienced pain like it.

Once I applied the ilex paste, I felt instant relief, no more pain, burning sensation or discomfort,  nor was there any pain from applying the paste.

Within 3-4 days my skin had completely healed. I continued to use ilex around my Stoma as a preventative measure until takedown.

Since takedown I've used ilex paste to treat butt burn; the slightest itch or burning sensation I apply the paste and, its only ever needed for a couple of days.

I find that if the skin is broken and oozing; the ilex paste must be heavily smeared over the affected area, which can be quite messy and sticky, especialy between the cheeks, but depending on the severity, this will only have to be endured for 3 or 4 days.

If ilex applied to treat an itching or burning sensation or as a preventative measure, then only a very small pea size amount is required and applied to the affected area but applied more like an ointment, not necessarily rubbed in, but apply a small amount over a wide area, so to speak; this prevents a sticky and gloopy mess from occurring, especially between the cheeks.

Last edited by Former Member

I have tried again and it does seem to work best. Do not want to get too excited since I have been so disappointed before. You have explained much of what confused me. I would ask the following. What if any medication cream is aqpproiate to heal the sores. I assume it is not required. The most important is the cleaning. You do it once a day and when. I bought baby oil is it best.

Where do you buy the ilex. What is quanity. Do you rub baby oil til it seems like no sticky suff or are you very gentle. I am someone with many BMs itysa at least 12 a day now but improving    Do I wash more often   Any advise is appreciated

Applying ilex as a preventivd measure, to treat mild butt burn or an itching burning sensation is a bit of knack, knowing just the right amount to apply without it becoming a sticky and uncomfortable mess.

Applying in such circumstances, cleanse as normal, either with toilet paper or non scented, natural n pure baby wet wipes, probably best use wet wipes until familiar with the process; plus the residue from the wet wipe, when on the skin, kind of helps the applied ilex paste spread more like a greasy ointment; as mentioned previously, apply a small pea size amount and spread around the affected area, don't rub it into the skin and don't apply any other product prior to the ilex, other than the residue, if any thats left by the wet wipe; and that's it.

Applying ilex in such a manner and you wont be aware of its presence during normal day to day activities.

Duing your next BM, the ilex will act as a barrier and prevent bile acid from coming into contact with the skin.

Cleanse as normal, idealy with wet wipes; although you may become aware of little bobbles ilex paste when cleansing ( when I say cleansing, I mean wiping) just wipe or pick em off and re apply the ilex paste.

I find the use of the wet wipes is sufficient to cleanse after a BM and will also sufficiently remove any unwanted residue of ilex paste; there's no need to use baby oil.

If skin is broken and oozing, the ilex paste has to be heavily smeared on, kind of over the top of the affected area, normally, I apply it so heavily, it can be peeled off when no longer required but it's possible to remain on the affected area for 2 to 3 days  Also, in such circumstances, the wet wipes will still cleanse the area sufficiently and will also sufficiently remove any unwanted ilex residue.

The properties within the ilex paste will heal the skin whilst also protecting the skin from further contamination durring BM's. I find when skin is serverly sore, best apply the ilex paste just before bed, as from my own experience, I can sleep for many hours whilst the ilex paste works its magic and the longer the ilex paste can remain on the affected area undisturbed; the more effective the treatment is.

Withn the US, ilex is available from:

From within the UK:

Free sample sachets are available.

If ordering free samples, emphasise what the paste is required for, ask for as many free samples as possible; in fact, try to haggle for a free tube, otherwise, they'll send two small sachets, which isn't enough to evaluate the product.

Last edited by Former Member

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