Hi Harv,
No real suggestions...I've been dealing with severe joint pain for years (since my teens) and it only gets worse...I have chronic sacroilitis that has me practically incapable of moving or getting out of bed in the morning or up from a chair if I have been sitting for more than 10 mins...
My knees are going and my achiles tendons went about 10yrs ago...(getting old sucks!)
They have me on 1grm of Naproxine s/Day and I have added something like tylenol + (no codine please) in the mid-day.
But yes, as you move those joints around and walk or exercise things losen up and start to feel better.
I walk (mostly up hill in the morning and downhill at night) about 5-6 miles/day and must admit that I feel better after the walks than if I had taken the bus...I need the stretching in the mornings (just after my shower so my muscles are warm and limber) and then the walk to work/school or to see my hubby...
The Rhumy is not of much use to me in the sense that he takes x-rays once every 4yrs and chart the progress, ups my dosage of NSAIDs regularly and prescribes massages that do or don't help much.
I had more success with a week of daily deep tissue massages and readjustments by a ethiopath (a sort of cross between a chiro and an osteopath) and daily swimming than a year's worth of everything else...
I manage but no longer 'enjoy' life due to the pain...
Not sure if it is related or not to autoimmune...they don't make that sort of connection with things here...my mom had fibromyalgia so maybe it is related to that...
You just need to find a treatment plan that works for you....
By the way, for the foot pain, my PT was using elctro stimulation on my back...(for the pain)...I asked him to try it on my feet (the souls of them) and it did help a lot...so there are things that can work.