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OK, I saw a colo-rectal surgeon just to intro myself & my history while I'm waiting to go to Cleveland to see Dr. Remzi - in case something occurs prior to going in Oct. I took with me 2 CT reports that were done in June & July due to hospitalization for bowel obstructions. He told me the 2 reports were conflicting in that one said there was a bladder fistula & one said there was contrast seen in the vaginal canal meaning a vaginal fistula. I told him I have not had any drainage, air, leaking, etc from the vagina but have had air, drainage, leaking from my bladder. He says based on what I'm telling him he is inclined to think it's a bladder fistula. (I have not had a urology workup.) If it is a bladder fistula he said it's above the pouch & would need to be surgically repaired as meds don't close fistulas. He also said it would not be good to let a bladder fistula go as it's not like a vaginal fistula as you can live with the vaginal fistula w/ no real problems, whereas the bladder fistula could cause problems w/ the kidneys, etc. He also told me that if it is a bladder fistula it could be repaired w/ no reason to have a temporary illeostomy. Jan, could this be true? I sure hope & pray that is the case! Also, he said there is most likely a lot of inflammation/infection in there & that could be causing the problems leading to the bowel obstructions. I am to avoid a lot of fiber & drink lots of water (which I do already). So, I guess I just want some assurance about the bladder fistula not being as major an ordeal as I was thinking (as far as losing the pouch or needing the temp ileo) or am I getting a false hope? If it is a bladder fistula what should I expect to happen once I get to Cleveland & see Dr. Remzi? Thanks for any info/advice you can offer Jan!! It is greatly appreciated!!
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