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I wouldn't have à major surgery based upon a uniform code.  Or put one off for the same reason. If you need the end ileo for other reasons then yes, you do what needs to be done. 

Have you tried a gluten and sugar free diet to see if that effects your pouch positively?

I would exhaust all other options before having my pouch remord.



I concur with the recommendations that Sharon made.  In addition, if attempts to save your j pouch do not work out, there are two surgical procedures that do not require an external bag: the k pouch and the BCIR.  The stoma for both of these procedures is located lower than one for an end ileostomy, is flush with your skin and covered with a small absorbent dressing.  It would not be visible with your shirt tucked in or even with tight fitting clothing.  You can research both of these options on the internet to learn additional benefits they provide.

If “successful” is defined as the percentage of BCIR’s that do not have to be removed, that percentage is approximately 94%. As with any major surgery, including end ileostomies, there is a possibility of complications which for that procedure include pouchitis and valve failure.  Most of these conditions are satisfactorily handled with antibiotics or surgery.  The patient satisfaction (i.e. quality of life) for the BCIR is very high.  More information is available online at  A video presentation and a list of BCIR patients you can contact is available through that website.  If you have this procedure and are in the 6% that don’t work out, the pouch can be removed and an end ileostomy made.  I am glad that I selected the BCIR and would undergo additional treatment if the need arose in order to keep my pouch.  I encourage you to do your research, ask any questions you might have about the procedure, and then select the procedure that you feel best about.


I have an end ileo and people can't tell I have an ostomy. My end ileo placement is in a much better location than my temp ileo was. You can even buy undergarments that have a shelf sewn inside that facilitates holding the bag close to your body. (See Ostomy Secrets on-line.) They have good sales as you will see their products are pricey. They are of good quality as I have laundered my underwear many times. When I had my j-pouch removed I went the end ileo way and got a say in where my stoma was placed on my abdomen.

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