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I have been dealing with Colitis for past 4 years. I had a server UC flare and had to have my entire colon removed. I had surgery on April 1st and now i have an Ileostomy. I am now debating if I should have the next 2 surgeries to insert the J Pouch... I am almost 50 years old and live an active life. I have heard good and bad things about the J Pouch. I have a few months to decide but i was wondering if someone could help me with my decision. I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.
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I'm apparently one of the few who, if I could do it over again, I think I'd stay with an ostomy. My j-pouch was made somewhat incorrectly (small pouch, long ATZ) and has caused quite a few problems for me over the last 21 years. I was doing fine with the ostomy while I had it.

However, if you have a surgeon who has LOTS of experience building j-pouches, and have someone who will provide you with excellent care afterwards (by that I mean years, not just months), you have very good odds of being happy with your results.

You may want to post this in the general discussion forum as well - I'm sure you'd get additional responses.

Whatever you decide, best of luck.

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