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It can k pouch is twisted and has been on and off for about 5 yrs happened when the anchorage tore or there was a fundamental shift inside...
Depending on the how and why it can be fixed, possibly with laporoscopic surgery...they put mine back into place that way twice but it doesn't hold, the k pouch hangs off of the it should be easier for a j pouch to stay put once fixed...
They will probably do a couple of exams before deciding...technically this is an easy fix...
Hang in there
The best that I can describe the twist is like being on a huge rollercoaster and plummeting strait down...that feeling that your stomach is coming up your throat? That is what it felt like but in my pouch plus the bonus of a semi-occlusion...same when I untwisted a kick in the stomach (pouch) and then sudden nausea and relief all at once...
I started having obstruction about 1 year after my final surgery. I was doing perfect until then. The waves of pain are much like labor pains. The worse labor pains ever. They found out my pouch was twisting. I was scheduled to have surgery to attach the pouch down so it can't twist. In about 3 weeks.This week I had another obstruction, the worst one ever. Back n the hosp. Looks like I am having surgery in two day now. Happy to hear this has worked for others, sorry for those who who it didn't work for.

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