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@Jaydog posted:

I love my pouch.

I work out at the gym every day, coach my kids wrestling team.

I eat pretty much anything I want. It's more about portion control for me than the type of food I eat.

I'm personally very happy with mine.

Hey Jaydog!  I'm curious about how you arrived at this.  Are you able to better digest smaller portions and how does that manifest?  (Less watery stools, less gas, etc.)  How did you figure out how big the portions could be?  How much time in between portions and how many per day?  Any restrictions on eating close to bed time?  Thanks!

@Jaydog posted:

I love my pouch.

I work out at the gym every day, coach my kids wrestling team.

I eat pretty much anything I want. It's more about portion control for me than the type of food I eat.

I'm personally very happy with mine.

How often do you poop now? And do you use wipes and calmoseptine?? (or any other poop barrier cream??)

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

How often do you poop now? And do you use wipes and calmoseptine?? (or any other poop barrier cream??)

I don't use anything special, just regular tp.

I poop a few times a day but it really depends on what I'm eating to be honest

@Sara Marie posted:

Hey Jaydog!  I'm curious about how you arrived at this.  Are you able to better digest smaller portions and how does that manifest?  (Less watery stools, less gas, etc.)  How did you figure out how big the portions could be?  How much time in between portions and how many per day?  Any restrictions on eating close to bed time?  Thanks!

Lots of trial and error. It seems like everybody's situation is a little different than everybody else's. For me when I eat to much it jambs me up and I have to sit on the toilet for ever. If I eat smaller portions and stay away from snacking I do really good.

It's good not to eat a few hours before bed and lots of times I have a shake or something for dinner.

I could easily have a slice or 2 of pizza for dinner and some ice cream for desert if I wanted. Where I get in trouble is if I eat 4 or 5 slices.

I also do a 24 hour fast at least once a week which really helps to keep me cleaned out.

It's really like this. If you live healthy a pouch is awesome. Even a normal person without a jpouch shouldn't eat before bed, or over eat.

Fasting is good even for healthy people. Shakes are good for you.

Ultimately it just forces me to live the healthy lifestyle I should be living anyways.

@Jaydog posted:

I don't use anything special, just regular tp.

I poop a few times a day but it really depends on what I'm eating to be honest

Lots of trial and error. It seems like everybody's situation is a little different than everybody else's. For me when I eat to much it jambs me up and I have to sit on the toilet for ever. If I eat smaller portions and stay away from snacking I do really good.

It's good not to eat a few hours before bed and lots of times I have a shake or something for dinner.

I could easily have a slice or 2 of pizza for dinner and some ice cream for desert if I wanted. Where I get in trouble is if I eat 4 or 5 slices.

I also do a 24 hour fast at least once a week which really helps to keep me cleaned out.

It's really like this. If you live healthy a pouch is awesome. Even a normal person without a jpouch shouldn't eat before bed, or over eat.

Fasting is good even for healthy people. Shakes are good for you.

Ultimately it just forces me to live the healthy lifestyle I should be living anyways.

What kind of shake do you find to be healthy for you? 

Is there anything you have during your weekly fast like chicken broth or electrolyte drinks, or is it just water?

I know everybody is different, but I'm still interested in your approach.  I have been eating healthy food and exercising for a long time but my pouch is still persnickety, so I am gathering data on what works for others and trying little bits of other approaches out.  I want to have a hearty system that doesn't give me discomfort.  I'm sure there are simple changes I could make that might help.  I appreciate you sharing!

@Jaydog posted:

I don't use anything special, just regular tp.

I poop a few times a day but it really depends on what I'm eating to be honest

Lots of trial and error. It seems like everybody's situation is a little different than everybody else's. For me when I eat to much it jambs me up and I have to sit on the toilet for ever. If I eat smaller portions and stay away from snacking I do really good.

It's good not to eat a few hours before bed and lots of times I have a shake or something for dinner.

I could easily have a slice or 2 of pizza for dinner and some ice cream for desert if I wanted. Where I get in trouble is if I eat 4 or 5 slices.

I also do a 24 hour fast at least once a week which really helps to keep me cleaned out.

It's really like this. If you live healthy a pouch is awesome. Even a normal person without a jpouch shouldn't eat before bed, or over eat.

Fasting is good even for healthy people. Shakes are good for you.

Ultimately it just forces me to live the healthy lifestyle I should be living anyways.

Your pretty lucky! Jaydog!! I wish I went to the bathroom as less as you and wish I could only use regular tp instead of wipes and Calmoseptine. I see your doing really well! I am glad everything is working out for you and the gym journery working out for you too!

I may have the wrong person but I think it was you, did you get a hernia last year or was that someone else???

Yeah trial and error will always be apart of our lives unfortunately. And same thing with me, if I eat too much it constipates me too- especially if I do not drink water all throughout the day. I can actually eat a whole large pizza but I cannot eat anything else for hours and i need water with it then I can do it. And then I fast for a while. After having a pouch for almost 10 years, I work around my body.

Your right the fasting is always help us when getting cleaned out and not backed up.

My trick is to have water before every meal- that it cleans out the system before putting more food inside. Drink water during a meal to help with digestions. And then drink water after to help even more.

SO water before during and after every meal.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Your pretty lucky! Jaydog!! I wish I went to the bathroom as less as you and wish I could only use regular tp instead of wipes and Calmoseptine. I see your doing really well! I am glad everything is working out for you and the gym journery working out for you too!

I may have the wrong person but I think it was you, did you get a hernia last year or was that someone else???

Yeah trial and error will always be apart of our lives unfortunately. And same thing with me, if I eat too much it constipates me too- especially if I do not drink water all throughout the day. I can actually eat a whole large pizza but I cannot eat anything else for hours and i need water with it then I can do it. And then I fast for a while. After having a pouch for almost 10 years, I work around my body.

Your right the fasting is always help us when getting cleaned out and not backed up.

My trick is to have water before every meal- that it cleans out the system before putting more food inside. Drink water during a meal to help with digestions. And then drink water after to help even more.

SO water before during and after every meal.

Yes that was me with the hernia. You have a good memory. That was several years ago though.

I agree about the water also. The more I drink the better things seem to work

@Jaydog posted:

Yes that was me with the hernia. You have a good memory. That was several years ago though.

I agree about the water also. The more I drink the better things seem to work

Hey there, did you see my questions above?  They are these:

What kind of shake do you find to be healthy for you?

Is there anything you have during your weekly fast like chicken broth or electrolyte drinks, or is it just water?

Thank you!  I appreciate your input as I continue my experiment with what works and what doesn't within this body I seem to be inhabiting!

@Former Member posted:

Oh thank-you! I try!

Was your hernia poking out??? And did you get your hernia removed??? Are you okay now???

Yes it poked out sometimes. I was going to get it fixed last year but then other things got in the way. Right now I plan on getting it fixed next spring.

It doesn't hurt or stop me from doing anything.

@Jaydog posted:

Yes it poked out sometimes. I was going to get it fixed last year but then other things got in the way. Right now I plan on getting it fixed next spring.

It doesn't hurt or stop me from doing anything.

Oh no! I know the poking out must be annoying, please be careful at the gym! I hope it does not get worse in the mean time. And yeah i understand about things getting in the way, its hard to find time to manage all of this with our pouch life, it can get very complicated lol.

I am glad it does not hurt or stop you in the mean time. Unfortunately we are prone to getting hernias since our colon/rectum are gone. Life is not fair but at least were okay.

I hope the surgery goes well!! Please tell me how it goes if you forget, I will definitely check in.

I had a three step procedure and completed takedown in 2004. The temporary and “permanent” stomas were not good for me - probably because I knew I was not going to keep them. I too had skin issues under the wafer. The skin got so irritated and moist that the wafer just slid right off. Those are hard memories. I went back to work two months after takedown. It was a major challenge adjusting to the pouch and trying to work as a middle school teacher. You cannot just go to the restroom whenever you need to. There have been challenges over the years, but now I empty the pouch anywhere from twice to five times a day. The pouch has overall been good and I would do it again if I had to.

@kta posted:

I had a three step procedure and completed takedown in 2004. The temporary and “permanent” stomas were not good for me - probably because I knew I was not going to keep them. I too had skin issues under the wafer. The skin got so irritated and moist that the wafer just slid right off. Those are hard memories. I went back to work two months after takedown. It was a major challenge adjusting to the pouch and trying to work as a middle school teacher. You cannot just go to the restroom whenever you need to. There have been challenges over the years, but now I empty the pouch anywhere from twice to five times a day. The pouch has overall been good and I would do it again if I had to.

I know that was hard being a middle school teacher and standing up all day. When you went back to work. D

Did you sit on a chair while you were healing???

Do you use wipes and butt cream too??? I do.

I was 15 when I had the first surgery and lived with an ileostomy for a year before having the next two surgeries for a JPouch.  I'm in my early 50s now.

TBH...and this is just me... but since I was a kid when I had the JPouch, I don't think I would have ever married/dated with the ileostomy.  So definitely am grateful to be hooked back up and live a "normal" life.

On the bad side with the pouch, I go to the washroom very regularly.  Every time we go to someone's house, I'm worried of "where is their washroom located" and when is the "safest time to go?"  Similarly, at work, I try to use the washroom stall when none of my female work colleagues are there.  After almost 40 years, that hasn't changed.

And yeah, I've had bouts of pouchitis but overall am grateful as don't need to deal with colitis anymore or stomach pains for the most part.

So to me...yes, worth it.

@Lu31 posted:

I was 15 when I had the first surgery and lived with an ileostomy for a year before having the next two surgeries for a JPouch.  I'm in my early 50s now.

TBH...and this is just me... but since I was a kid when I had the JPouch, I don't think I would have ever married/dated with the ileostomy.  So definitely am grateful to be hooked back up and live a "normal" life.

On the bad side with the pouch, I go to the washroom very regularly.  Every time we go to someone's house, I'm worried of "where is their washroom located" and when is the "safest time to go?"  Similarly, at work, I try to use the washroom stall when none of my female work colleagues are there.  After almost 40 years, that hasn't changed.

And yeah, I've had bouts of pouchitis but overall am grateful as don't need to deal with colitis anymore or stomach pains for the most part.

So to me...yes, worth it.

When was the last time you had pouchitis???

Getting a j pouch is worth it. We all have problems from time to time, but you do with a stoma also. Just always remember that it will never be like it was with a healthy colon again. I guess you just get used to a new normal. It's not perfect by any means, but I am very grateful that I was able to get one. Good luck with your decision. It wasn't a hard one for me.


I had 1 crazy year, 2023, when UC occurred for the first time in my life. I was 53. I've never been a competitive bodybuilder, but have followed the culture & lifestyle, for the most part, going to the gym for 40 years.

Long story, short, the j-pouch was worth it. I'm lifting again & everything, for the most part, is relatively back to normal.

As a bodybuilder, <10% body fat, i went from a full/hard 220# in Jan'23, to 210# in Apr, then 160# by June. I was dying, I lost tons of blood & Drs don't understand nutrition. I feel that I only made it 2 months without eating because of the qty of muscle I had before getting sick.

Longer story follows......

Within 2 months of intermittent rectal bleeding (Feb-Mar), I was in the hospital during Apr '23 for UC, colon totally turned to paper-machéte. I had an emergency colectomy in early May '23. The 3-step process, w/surgeries in June & Aug & final takedown in Dec '23. The ileostomy/pouch was difficult for me, but I did it, especially between the last 2 surgeries. My stoma would prolapse, like 2-penises sticking out of one hole, 3-4" each. My surgeon, Dr Fleshner, from Cedar's in Los Angeles, was adamant that I'd be happier with the j-pouch, over the long run.

It's been a tough road, w/the ostomy/bag & w/j-pouch. Earlier this year, 2024, I was 2nd guessing myself & the surgeon; Burning ass, ~15 watery poops a day, little sleep, etc. I tried creams, prescriptions & everything. I had 2nd thoughts on life itself. Psyllium husk helped reduce burn, thicken stools, stopped any issue (albeit small) of leakage, really changed things for me.

Not being able to provide for a wife and 4 kids was almost beyond what I could bear. I'm an engineer, mechanic and i (generally) work on & fix everything. 2023 shut me down hard. And 3-4 months of 2024 weren't much better. But I slowly started feeling better, being able to work on items around the house, fix the cars, etc.

But now, 14 months after my first surgery, things are back to a new normal. I eat healthy, am back in the gym, and am working everyday. Pooping I still different. Caffeine & energy drinks take their toll, quickly. Food moves through the small intestine crazy fast if one consumes those items. Taking lomotil or loperamide can help normalize & slow gut motility, if caffeine is consumed (for me). I know that we are all different.

My cousin lost his j-pouch & has a permanent ostomy. He's had issues & relentless surgeries his whole ~50 year life. That's what he deals with. I get a pouchoscopy every 3 months. Everything seems good. The surgeon says pouchitis & other issues have not been (generally) tracked to be caused by anything specific. I eat "healthy" & eat whenever. I generally wake up 1-2x at night.

I Drink lots of fluids, eat plenty of clean protein, avoid processed/fast foods, avoid seed oils, try to reduce simple sugars, take non-gmo algae DHA oil. Most foods eaten are whole foods, naturally grown with little to no processing. Eggs, avocados, bison, etc. Take a few vitamins & anti-oxidants. Make most of my own foods.

I'm not a year into my j-pouch, but it's worth it, for me. I'm still normalizing. I had a hard time going to the gym with a bag. Now I just have some radical scars down my abdomen. And intimacy wasn't an issue, ever. But for me, I feel less self conscious, not having a bag. My wife never cared one way or another. She never made it an issue. It's been a tough road for me. But I am aware that so many of you deal with so much more. I wish the best for each of you. And just get educated, read up (lots),  make your own choice & go with it. 

I'm 3 weeks out from my takedown. My god, I wish I had done this sooner. I love my pouch so much already.

I am so much more free with my pouch than I was before - and I'm not even fully recovered yet!

Love your screen name haha!! I am glad you love your pouch

Are you using Calmoseptine cream??? And wipes??? I use both

And do you want to name your pouch??? That is what I did. It makes a deeper connection with it in my opinion.

Haha thank you!

I use preparation H, calmoseptine, and a bidet.

I haven’t named my pouch, but my stoma was named Pudge… so maybe my pouch is Pudge: 2.0!

Your using Preparation wipes right??? Another person on here told me the same thing!! I know it can get pricey though, glad its working for you. And i know the Bidet is expensive as hell but from what I hear its worth it.

Haha! That is soo cute!!! My pouch's name is Dorothy- she is my favorite character in The Wizard of oz Book series.

@Former Member posted:

. And i know the Bidet is expensive as hell but from what I hear its worth it.

A bidet is only $31 on Amazon and takes about 10 minutes to install. I installed them on 3 of the toilets at home and 1 at work. They can be a godsend. In the early months I only used the bidet and lightly "tamped" my butt dry.i never wiped and never had to deal with that sort of pain.

@Former Member posted:

Oh good!!! Almost 30 years!! I wonder what caused that in 2009, I am glad you are better now love

15 years.  Actually there is an explanation...It was when my daughter was born.  Just before, I had issues where I couldn't move so had to hold in going to the washroom. Guessing that is what caused the pouchitis.  Thanks for the kind words.

@CJCowdell posted:

A bidet is only $31 on Amazon and takes about 10 minutes to install. I installed them on 3 of the toilets at home and 1 at work. They can be a godsend. In the early months I only used the bidet and lightly "tamped" my butt dry.i never wiped and never had to deal with that sort of pain.

Oh cool! I guess I was thinking on the expensive ones, I forgot there are cheaper ones! I need to look at them lol. Thank-you!

And they have travel ones too when your on the go!

@Lu31 posted:

15 years.  Actually there is an explanation...It was when my daughter was born.  Just before, I had issues where I couldn't move so had to hold in going to the washroom. Guessing that is what caused the pouchitis.  Thanks for the kind words.

Yeah I believe that!!! Holding in all of that bacteria can definitely cause pouchitis. I use to preach that on here all of the time.

Glad your better.

@Former Member posted:

Yeah I believe that!!! Holding in all of that bacteria can definitely cause pouchitis. I use to preach that on here all of the time.

Glad your better.

Ah thank you.  I hope you are doing well too.  I looked back to your earlier post and see that you mentioned that you go lots in a day. Me too.  But then again, i will use the washroom anytime before meetings, before going out etc, since I don't want to be in a situation when I need to and can't. 

@Lu31 posted:

Ah thank you.  I hope you are doing well too.  I looked back to your earlier post and see that you mentioned that you go lots in a day. Me too.  But then again, i will use the washroom anytime before meetings, before going out etc, since I don't want to be in a situation when I need to and can't.

Your welcome! Yeah I do and I think its a good thing because we are getting rid of that bacteria multiple times a day.

And I agree, I do the same thing as you as a preventative, i agree 100%

@jombee1 posted:

I for one am glad I have a j pouch.  I am doing things I would not have done 20 years ago, travel, zip line, maybe sky diving is next.  Sure it has mostly good days but some bad days, have to track what was eaten previous days to cause irritation/stomach issues.

Yeah Zip lining is fun! I just hate getting bruises from it lol

@Former Member posted:

Yeah I believe that!!! Holding in all of that bacteria can definitely cause pouchitis. I use to preach that on here all of the time............and I think its a good thing because we are getting rid of that bacteria multiple times a day.

And I agree, I do the same thing as you as a preventative, i agree 100%

I tend to agree with you regarding emptying often & others' ideas here (fasting, etc). I presented the "eating clean" idea (avoid simple sugars, avoid seed oils, eat whole foods, limit processed foods, etc) to my surgeon, Dr Fleshnar, Cedars Sinai, & he said that "they" do not have any hard evidence of what causes or why pouchitis occurs. I just wonder if you or anyone has seen any "real" evidence regarding proven causes of pouchitis. He has been taking blood samples of patients for 20+ years and will be doing the analysis sometime in the near future, of 30,000 (or so) blood samples, to try and correlate anything and everything (proteins, genetics, etc) related to success, failures, pouchitis, etc.

@CJCowdell posted:

I tend to agree with you regarding emptying often & others' ideas here (fasting, etc). I presented the "eating clean" idea (avoid simple sugars, avoid seed oils, eat whole foods, limit processed foods, etc) to my surgeon, Dr Fleshnar, Cedars Sinai, & he said that "they" do not have any hard evidence of what causes or why pouchitis occurs. I just wonder if you or anyone has seen any "real" evidence regarding proven causes of pouchitis. He has been taking blood samples of patients for 20+ years and will be doing the analysis sometime in the near future, of 30,000 (or so) blood samples, to try and correlate anything and everything (proteins, genetics, etc) related to success, failures, pouchitis, etc.

Wow, I can't wait to hear the results of this!

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