I have had my j-pouch for about 5 years (u.c.). Suddenly I'm having painful rectal spasms again, frequently and throughout the evening, which I had when I had u.c. Anyone else with the same experience? And what was done about it? Thanks.
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Do you mean tenesmus, which is when you feel like you have to go but don't? I had that with UC. It can come from pouchitis, inflammation of your jpouch. Any other changes?
Consider a dr. visit.
I always have to go. I take morphine to reduce gut activity, but active it remains. I recently had a sigmoidoscopy; no inflammation in pouch was seen. Waiting on biopsy results, but the doctor thought they'd be negative all around.
Have you tried nortriptyline.its a anxiety med ithink some people say it stops spasms.
Thanks. I'll ask about that.
I have those and it turns out I have a stricture at the outlet of the pouch so I imagine it is spasming due to trying to get stuff out that is very small. While you are waiting for a solution I recommend something I never thought I would ever take and that is vaping marijuana. High THC. It stops the spasms for me while I wait for my surgical consult for the stricture (thanks for the delay covid). It's the only thing that works to stop them within minutes. Of course, I'm high as a kite and need to go to bed right away or I'll eat the entire contents of my kitchen.
Thanks, Jen. You know, I have always wanted to enjoy pot, as most everyone else seemingly does. Yet every time I've tried it, I just sit there, waiting for its effect to wear off. It just doesn't agree with me. But yours was a good idea.