I was originally diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 1992 within nine month of first symptoms which at the time of diagnosis was life threatening. Over the years I’ve had pouchitis, stenosis, a perinatal abcess, and an anal fistula through my external sphincter that the surgeon cut which caused 10% loss of fecal continence. I am now 51 years old. On August 29th 2020 I went to the ER due to and high fever and was admitted to the hospital for peritonitis and sepsis due to a fistula forming in my j-pouch that leaked into my abdominal cavity. I pleaded with the on call surgeon to consult with the surgeons from hospital where I had the original surgery to save my j-pouch which the on call surgeon at the ER did. This left me with a loop diversion ileostomy to give my j-pouch rest. To make matters worse, after spending 20 days in the hospital I developed a kidney stone which required another surgery to remove. I was discharged and sent home with a PICC line to infuse antibiotics at home. A drain was inserted in my lower back to drain the abcess under my j-Pouch and another drain in my side to drain my abdominal cavity. So I’m not getting much sleep with two drains, an ileostomy, a stent in my urethra and a PICC line in. I have an appointment with a specialist 3 hrs away and from what information I have been able to find on the intranet I am questioning whether or not salvaging my J-Pouch is a viable option. I am having a difficult time with all of this and there is no one around that can relate to my situation. My wife wants me to keep the ileostomy however it was not place in a good location and will require another surgery to move. The loop diversion stoma and the location interfere with the appliance adhering to my body and the home care nurses haven’t been able to find a product that works. I am conflicted with keeping what I have or risk further complications If I pursue salvaging my j-pouch. Is there anyone out their with a similar senecio? Here is a link to some information I have found regarding salvaging j-pouches.
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