My name is Riley and i've been dating my girlfriend who had UC for 9 years. Her story started back in 2008.
In her last year of high school she was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. After many attempts to get her into remission with Remicade and Prednisone it was clear that neither were working. The decision was made to operate using the standard 2/3 step procedure.
2 years out of high school she went in for part 1/2 of her procedure: the total colectomy and construction of the j-pouch. She had an ostomy while allowing her insides to heal and prepare for part 3 of the procedure (the j-pouch reversal) which happened a year later.
Things did not go so well for her with the j-pouch. For over two years constant blockages occurred, some which she could work out on her own and three or four which sent her to the hospital requiring scopes to clear the blockage.
In the past few days she has been hospitalized again due to a blockage, but this time the scopes didn't work. This required surgery. They found that the j-pouch had ruptured and had to remove it and revert her back to an ostomy. There is very very little chance that she will ever be able to have an internal pouch again and that the ostomy will be permanent.
She had found the ostomy very difficult the first time she had it and managed to get through it knowing that it would only be temporary. Know i do not know how she will take the news that it will be a way of life.
I want her to know that i will never leave her and that we are going to get through all of this together.
Has anyone had this experience of j-pouch failure? And are there any couples who can offer some advice on loved ones supporting the patients/life with a permanent ostomy.
Thanks for your time.
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