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I had jpouch completion (takedown) on 11/9/15 and have been having some recent coplications including a Bartholin cyst and a suspected RV fistula. My Cleveland Clinic surgeon (Ashburn) is sending orders for me to have a gastrografin enema done at a local hospital prior to my teleconference with the surgeon on 12/30. I have not had the procedure here before and don't expect the radiology staff to be familiar with j-pouches. What prep should I do for this procedure? Last time I had this was at CC when I still had the loop ileo prior to takedown, so there was no prep at all. Now I do not have an ileo, just the working j-pouch. I'll ask the radiology staff about this as well but I assume they'll tell me to do the standard prep for folks with colons, and I don't have one. Would hate to end up dehydrated or worse off bc of doing unnecessary bowel prep.

Oh, and let me say I can't wait for the prying questions ar Xmas from extended family about my butt problems. I should just say, "Google 'rectovaginal fistula' and 'Bartholin cyst'" and walk away.

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I have had those done - but I feel so bad as I can't remember exact prep.  Generally, my prep is one bottle of that liquid stuff you get in the aisle at CVS - it's a "laxative" - red liquid in a glass bottle - does not taste too bad.  Bottom shelf at CVS.  Some docs in different cities in which I have lived have had me do an enema.  Most have not - just one bottle of that stuff.  I am no a doctor - but I never have done the "regular" prep they tell people with colons to do since I've had my pouch and I've had it 30 years.  I hope your relatives don't bother you too much.  I don't remember mine bothering me when I was having all the surgeries, etc. - maybe it was the times - the mid 80s - maybe people were too embarrassed.  They'd be concerned - "you are so skinny" - but that was about it.  In my case, it was more the opposite - no one seemed to realize what I was going through except my sister, who had just had the pouch done, too.  (we have FAP).  We went through the entire surgery experience together and that helped enormously.  Through ups and downs with our pouches thru the years, having her has saved my sanity -  we live far apart, but in difficult times, the phone and her understanding and vice versa has really been such a gift.  I hope you find someone else in your community who has one - who can become a friend.  Or, just get on this forum and know we all care about you.  You are not alone! 

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