Hi, this one is for the "veterans" out there and the moderators who have "seen it all". HAd the J-Pouch procedure back in 1998. Been a blessing compared to having UC. Usually I get pouchitis once a year, winter months. Usually treated with a 10 day supply of Cipro and back to normal. Recently went through an episode with the flu, dehydration, and what I thought felt like pouchitis. During my stay in the hospital had them scope me and they found an irritated pouch but also what looked like ulcerations in the small intestine. They speculated that it might be Chron's, going in for a sygmoid on 5/27 to take a closer look and biopsies to confirm. Has anyone else experienced this? Frustrating no doubt but there are a lot of other people in this world worse off than me, I am not going to feel sorry for myself. Feel like I have to "re-learn" what foods I can and cannot eat again. Just when I had it all nailed down, they changed the test questions on me. LOL