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I had part 1 of a 2 part j pouch operation in October 2012. There were many complications and I was in and out of hospital for the next 6 months with abscesses, infections etc. and various other complications. In Ocober 2013 – exactly 52 weeks after the first operation – I had the reversal – I think that was an omen. Immediately afterwards – I felt fine and ate like a pig for 24 hours – then I felt sick. I was discharged 10 days later not feeling that well – and never having eaten another thing. (The main operations were done 250 miles away from home. Two days after discharge I was seeing my local gastro enterologist and didn’t feel at all well – also I was in pain when I sat down – and still couldn’t eat. He ran some blood tests and the following day phoned up – having organized a bed and spoken to the surgeon and arranged a CT Scan. As my CRP Level was very high

Over the following week I had a CT Scan, pouchogram and pouchoscopy. These showed a small hole (still) in the anastamosis between the pouch and anus on the stitching line, an abscess behind this hole (with ‘collection’) in the pelvic cavity, there was a stricture above the pouch some 6 inches in length and the intestine was distended above that. I was observed for a further 12 days – I do know the local surgeon who can perform j pouch operations – but who did not want to perform one on me in the first place as there was a query over whether I had UC or Crohn’s. To cut a long story short I have had the j pouch disconnected and a permanent ileostomy created (though this surgeon said that there was no reason why the surgeons in London could not try to repair the j pouch – though he himself thought it was beyond repair as the hole is too close to the anal sphincter to be exorcised successfully all round (to heal) The hole has been there for a year, but was thought to have healed – hence the closure of the original ileostomy.

At the moment – apart from being devastated that I have gone through all this for nothing – the staff in the hospital in London never ever seemed to listen – in fact – they made a lot up, particularly the nursing staff – change overs were at the end of your bed – and if I heard them – I corrected them – saying ‘eating and drinking normally’ (but doubt that they ever altered their observation to ‘not eating’ when I did correct them.)

I just don’t know what to do now
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OMG this sounds just like me! I had my surgery in Aug. of this year 2013 and I still feel like crap. So far I have had two ubstructions and just constant butt burn and leakage. I am trying everything though except for using immodium or Limotal for some reason my body does not like those drugs. I am doing pelvic floor therapy as well and I seem to be worse. What on earth is going on??? Also, lately I have had alot of gas followed with very little stool. I am just beside myself, I was seriously better off with my stoma! I now have tp watch everything that goes into my mouth as far as eating. Some foods agree with me but alot of do not anymore. I know nothing is wrong with the pouch, I have already had 2 pouchoscopys from two different doctors. I too have the diagnosis of Chrohns/Colitis and biopsys were done prior to my surgery and showed no disease at all and with my pouchoscopys biopsys were taken as well and that too showed nothing. If nothing is showing up then what the heck is it then???????????????? LJK
Goody, have you been seen at St Marks? That is the hospital that seems to see all the people who have had no joy anywhere else. It is my primary hospital but if you haven't tried there, it's worth a shot. The specialist pouch nurse Zahra Perry-Woodford (0208 235 4126)is fantastic at guiding you through the referral process and gives excellent advice, too.

I have resurrected this old post as more than 8 years later nothing much has changed, in and out of hospital, more pelvic abscesses and waiting now for referral for some sort of surgery. I was referred to St Marks in about 2014/15 and was gobsmacked when the surgeon said he would redo the pouch (and not repair) despite me only having 2 metres of small intestine left! I declined, it has been particularly difficult managing a high output stoma with 2 metres, I would hate to think what it would be like with 1.5 metres or less! It has been suggested I am referred to either St Marks or Leeds for pouch removal, I don't want a barbie butt, it won't heal, I just know it won't , it has all been such a horrible negative experience I can't see any positives, all this surgery and talk of also putting me on biologics afterwards as they think it is Crohns disease after all, I'm finding it all so depressing. Anybody know who the surgeon is likely to be or which hospital it would be in Leeds (UK)

Last edited by Goody2shoes

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