Hi all,
First time post on here for me, found this forum really helpful so far!
I had a suspected partial blockage mid way through January and suspected it was cleared when I started passing liquid stools regularly over a day-2 day period. This was after a few days of a liquid diet. I started building up foods slowly without any issues. I managed to clear this at home with drinking fluids, hot water bottles, hot baths etc.
I was having bland food such as soup, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes during meals, however, I have felt as if I was passing less stools then usual. My suspicions have been proven as I have moved to soups, yoghurts and lots of liquids, and am still going to the toilet, however, nowhere near as much as I would’ve done on this diet type pre first blockage. I have not thrown up at all during this period and have remained hungry throughout the process.
To add further context, I was diagnosed with chronic pouchitis and am on regular Cipro and have been for nearly a year. I regularly took loperamide and psyllium husk also. My suspicion was that the blockage was caused from having psyllium husk with not enough water.
From the details above, does this sound like adhesions/bowel kinks or twisting?
Any recommendations on when is the right time to head to the hospital?