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I feel like a complete idiot there are so many people with illnesses/problems that I can't even imagine... I'm always hesitant to (whine)because I guess I feel, or I am made to feel that because I look good/healthy on the outside that I don't have anything wrong with me. Ok enough rambling the last 3 weeks or so I have been having j pouch issues, I think.. Started off having more bathroom visits than normal and major explosions while sleeping for about a week, along with extreme night sweats that came out of no where. That subsided but the night sweats continue every night, I'm having extreme joint pain, exhaustion, vision issues, dehydration and I can not go to the bathroom with out extreme straining and very little out put, my stomach it so bloated I look like I'm pregnant, my lower back is hurting I'm having some nausea, discomfort and I checked for a stricture with my tool and no issues. I feel like my body is trying to fight off some kind of infection. Doesn't sound like typical pouchitis and my Dr. can't see me for another 5 days, they told me I could go to the ER in the mean time if I can't wait or have to much pain. Idk what to do. I'm not in horrific pain but I am uncomfortable I can't button my pants and all the other things I'm feeling are driving me crazy and I have a bad headache almost everyday, depression and moods all time high... All advice welcome.
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partial blockage? Stomach flu? Minor twist?
My only suggestion would be to go onto a liquid diet for a while (hot liquids, broth, soup, juice...)to see if it subsides. If there is no fever (not always an indicator) then I would hit the heating pad or hot water bottle for the pain and discomfort and give it a few days before heading to ER.
Hope that you feel better soon
Being 40 and night sweats sounds a lot like me until I turned 50 and my periods stopped. Yep, I had 10 years of perimenopause with night sweats and hot flashes with the smallest amounts of alcohol. I wasn't in full on menopause during that time because my hormone levels were reportedly OK, at least during the moment my blood was drawn to check them.

Many of your symptoms could be partially or completely due to perimenopause, but the fact that you've lost both your colon and most of your stomach means that dehdration can easily be a chronic condition for you. I looked at your other posts and I do not see that you are taking any bowel slowers. Taking a fiber supplement could help with the straining issue too. Still, you could have pouchitis, so a course of antibiotics would not be out of order to rule that out. Pouchitis symptoms can vary, but if you are having frequent stools, a sensation of incomplete emtpying, urgency without much output, then that could be the culprit. Plus, many of us get joint pains with pouchitis flares (better it is that than IBD related arthritis!).

Could you perhaps call your doctor for an antibiotic prescription. You can start that now and if it works, then you'll have that to report. If not, you can rule out pouchitis, or at least pouchitis that is responsive to that antibiotic. But, at least you'd be starting with something now. A lot of docs will prescribe antibiotics based on symptoms alone.

Jan Smiler
Thanks so much for the info, my Dr won't give me antibiotics without seeing me mostly due to the fact that I have a long list of meds that no longer agree with my insides. I have never experienced pouchitis which is prob another reason. I did get some MiraLax this afternoon it has helped some. I'm trying to just deal because I do not want any part of the ER...I'm going for my yearly physical next week I am going to ask for a full blood panel including for pre menapause. Is joint pain common with IBD, UC, Crohns? All of a sudden my knees are in chronic pain everyday started about 6 months ago. It hasn't gone away at all it's everyday, weird. I'm finding out with each new day I seem to just never feel good, I mean like just have a wonderful day without some ache or pain somewhere or my constant depression and mood swings and headaches... Trying to focus on yoga for some solice, trying very hard to keep on track but most days my moods take over.
Yes, arthritis is the most common extra-intestinal manifestation of IBD.

It can be quite insidious too. Mine started 30 years ago with bouts of tendonitis in my elbows and wrists, then came plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis, followed by knee pain when I was around 40. A few years later came the low back/upper buttock pain. Then I was sent to the rheumatologist and was diagnosed with enteropathic arthritis, a form of spondylitis. I am now back on Azulfidine and also Simponi. I had tried Enbrel and Humira in the past. Things are definitely worse when my pouch or rectal cuff are acting up. My maintenance meds keep my pouch in good shape for the most part.

Jan Smiler

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