Trying to learn a bit more about diets and food for us with j- pouch and Crohns. Have read some of the earlier posts about this and found some good tips.
Since my j-pouch surgery I have been able to eat almost anything and have not used any medication. Some small inflammation in the pouch now and then but nothing more than that. But no everything has changed...
Short about me: I was diagnosed with UC 11 years old (1986), cancer coli (1996), got my J-pouch (1997) and now in 2017 surprisingly my diagnose changed to chrons with inflammation in the pouch and 40% of the small intestine.
Been trying to get control over the inflammation by using 9mg entocort and have started with Humira (7 weeks ago). Still not feeling so great but hope Humira will help me.
I have accepted that my years with no medication probably is over, and also realized and experienced that I cannot eat everything I like anymore.
But I find it difficult to figure out which food is good for me and which to avoid.
Wondering if any of you with Crohns and j-pouch follow any diets and what food/drinks that seems to be the best and worse for you?
Do you avoid gluten and lactose?
Do you have any favorite Christmas snack that is nice to your intestine?
- grateful for any tips -
Wish you all a merry christmas,
best regards Cath75/ Norway