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Hi, I have had my  j pouch for 18 months and it's not too bad except for night sleeping. I have actual bowel movement during my sleep. I do not feel anything until I wake up and then feel the wetness. I use the depends briefs to prevent soiling my bed . I am on Imodium and take them like candy, Metamucil with snack size apple sauce 1 or 2 times a day, lomotil, 2 at a time which makes me sleepy, I am pretty good during the day with occasional leakage but it's the nights that have me so frustrated. I have done the exercises which helps during the day but not when I am sleeping. my Dr. suggested to try the interstim system but I am leary. Has anyone had it done and can tell the pros and cons about it.  I stay close to home. I try to eat light but I like food!!   lol   Has anyone had this problem?   Please help! Thank You.         Willy123

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This is complicated. Have you ever been treated for pouchitis, with antibiotics? That's unlikely to be the full story, but it could be part of it. I also wonder whether you might be able to get better value from Imodium and/or Lomotil by using them more selectively. Since they slow the gut, but don't make stool magically disappear, you could be delaying the stool until the worst possible time. I only take bowel slowers at bedtime, when they are most valuable to me. During the day I figure I might as well just let it come when it does. Also, since psyllium will bulk up the stool, be careful not to take it in the evening, or you'll probably deal with it during the night. Good luck!

Thank you for enlightening me. Since I am fairly new with this situation, I really appreciate your input. I haven't been checked for pouchitis, but I am going to see my surgeon Monday. Hopefully he will help me out. I am also going to try what you have mentioned. I will let you know how I make out. Thank you again... Joan

Hi Jan, thank you for responding. I am seeing my surgeon Monday at 3:30 and hopefully he will find the problem. But, the night time problem will still be present.  I am also going to ask him about the test you mentioned, regarding the sphincter muscle. I may have occasional leakage during the day, but, it could be I don't go to the bathroom right away. I tend to procrastinate when I am doing something. I'll post what my Dr.says Monday. Thanks again for your input  Joan 

Hi Jan and Scott, sorry I haven't gotten back to let you know how I made out at the doctors that Monday. My computer isn't working right and I haven't been on it . The doctor did the scope and said there was minor irritation but the pouch was good. He gave me Cipro for ten days and said to call if I continue to have problems. Well I have improved greatly. I don't have pain, discomfit, or accidents like I use to. I can't believe it. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop as the saying goes. I'll let you know how it is going in a few weeks. Also, I am using the Metamucil wafers and they work wonderful. I haven't used the loose one in 3 or 4 days. I have one package dly. I am a diabetic II  and have to contend with that too.  But I am feeling great. Hope it lasts....... Take care.  Gypsy

That's great news, Gypsy! The Metamucil wafers have a fair amount of sugar. If that's a issue you could try Metamucil capsules or (probably better) Konsyl powder. Konsyl is the same stuff as Metamucil, but without the sugar or flavoring. A bit gritty, but I use it twice a day (though I mix it 50:50 with Metamucil).

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