Hi everyone...
In December 2015 I had surgery to remove my right fallopian tube due to a hydrosalpinx caused by adhesions from scar tissue leftover from my previous 2 step total colectomy and various other surgeries related to my UC which were 10+ years ago. Additionally my left tube was found to be partially blocked. Me and my husband went through a few rounds of IUI without success and so we started with IVF a few weeks ago. We did our egg retrieval Friday June 17th and then a 5-day transfer this past Wednesday June 22nd. We had 23 eggs retrieved, 16 fertilized and 3 blastocysts. 1 blastocyst transferred and 2 frozen.
At this point I am not liking the progesterone shots - i have to take them every other day but they are quite literally a pain in my butt! Also feel like i could take a nap at any given moment and hotflashes all day every day. I'm 29 and they say due to my age I should respond well and otherwise been feeling good and hopeful- my beta is July 5th!
Wanted to know who else is going through IVF ? What has your journey been like?